I have promised to keep you all updated on
Jake, this sweet little boy who has been battling a very aggressive form of cancer. The last I reported to you all back in September, by some incredible miracle of God, Jake had gone into remission and was cancer-free.

In December our little Jake celebrated his 3rd Birthday, a birthday we weren't sure he'd see. (Photo courtesy of his parents, Rick & Amy) Every one was so jubilant that day, especially Jake. But (and I don't even know how to say this), around the same time, we found out Jake's cancer was back and even stronger than before. He is now in the hospital where they are making him as comfortable as they possibly can, but there is nothing else they can do. Pediatric Hospice is involved, helping Jake, his parents, sister and grandparents.
So please, if you would, keep Jake and his family in your thoughts and prayers. They could use all the strength they can muster during this difficult time.
Thank you, as aways, for your love and support.
Words just fail me, Kelly. Jake, his family - and you, his friends - are all in my prayers.
I have followed Jake's story on your blog. I am so so sorry. Losing your child is something no family should have to experience.
This makes me so incredibly sad. My heart goes out to everyone touched by this.
I cannot even imagine. I have a two and a half year old and don't know how I could deal with what this poor family is having to deal . Poor Jake. He is just to young...
I am so sorry. My thoughts and prayers will be with that little boy and his loving family.
I am so sorry to read this. I held my breath as I read the entry, hoping it would be a "look how great he's doing" post. My heart goes out to his family and friends. Cannot fathom the pain.
Tears are welling up as I type this, I don't know what to say, I cannot imagine losing a child. Just know that your family and Jake and his family are all in my thoughts and prayers.
Kathy F
Oh dear.. My heart goes out to his family and friends...
Peace be with all of you, and especially this little angel!
This is so sad. I will be praying for Jake and his mom and dad.
I have a daughter who just turned three this fall so she is just two months older than Jake. I cannot imagine dealing with the idea that my child was dying. What do you say to your child? How do you tell them what is going on with them? My heart is really aching for him and his poor family. Sending thoughts and prayers. This is just so wrong!!
You are all in our thoughts and prayers! Such a cute boy!! I'm sooo sorry.
Oh no... I remember when you first posted and then I remember when he was doing better and dude. I don't know what to say. I'm so so so sad to hear the latest. There is just nothing to say. I just got in a silly argument with Sophie, over her not going to bed when it's bedtime. Am now going upstairs to give her a kiss and a hug. Perspective... Thoughts and prayers. xo.
I do not understand God's plan in situations like this, but I have faith that God is good. And because of that, I know that somehow by taking him home early, God has it all under control. But for those left here to continue on this earth a while longer the perspective is a tough one. Your friends and all their loved ones will be covered in prayer during this difficult time.
Oh Kelly, I am so sorry to hear this little tyke is battling this. I will put him in my prayers. I hope he gets better. I could not imagine going through this!
Leica Forrest
That is such sad news. :( I really hate cancer - especially childhood cancer. I will most definitely keep Jake and his entire family in my prayers. Thanks for the update, Kelly.
oh, my heart is sinking and there are tears in my eyes. i cannot even imagine how hard this must be for them. i stopped reading the post to say a prayer for strength and comfort...for peace and lots of special moments together as a family.
Oh, Kelly, I am so sorry! I am crying for this family...so sad. I can't even imagine. I will definitely say a prayer for everyone involved.
i'm so sorry kelly.
what a difficult time this must be for all of them, his smile & joy in that picture is so beautiful.
sending love & prayers.
This brings tears to my eyes! Praying for the little guy and all the lives blessed by this sweet boy!
Oh, Kelly....that just breaks my heart. I can't imagine any worse pain. I will keep Jake and his family in prayer. :(
Oh my goodness what a very sad story I will be praying for the little guy and his family I know that we are not to question God so I know he has big plans for Jake:)God bless you Jake!
I cannot imagine how much his family and friends are hurting. I pray that God will give you all the strength you need to get through this oh so difficult time. God bless Jake...may the angels keep him under their wing...
Oh, this is just not fair! I'm so sorry Kelly. My heart goes out to Jake, his family and friends. :) Kathy
Oh Kelly - how sad! What a sweet little boy. This is just heart breaking! Suzy
Oh my how sad, losing loved ones is hard but a child is the worst. Prayers for everyone.
What a devastating time for all. My thoughts and prayers are with you and his family.
Praying Gods Grace and Blessings upon Jake, his family and loved ones...
This is truly a sad story. I will keep Jake in my prayers as well as all of those who love him. Losing a child has to be the hardest thing a parent can go through.
This is a reminder to the parents out there like myself, who get stressed out and frustrated with active children. Be thankful that they're getting on your nerves and a tad on the wild side. Stories like this are the flip side of the coin.
God Bless Jake!
I know exactly how you feel right now. My cousin has battled stage 4 brain cancer for nearly 18 months. She was sent home from Vanderbilt last week because there is nothing left for them to do.
God bless Jake, his family and loved ones.
I don't know Jake or his family but all my best thoughts and wishes are with them at this time. Here's to hoping for better things in the future, what ever they may be.
oh the poor little guy and thinking of his parents breaks my heart. Praying for a miracle...
Oh Kelly, this special little boy and his entire family will definitely be in my thoughts and prayers. I can think of nothing harder to go through.
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