Sunday, February 08, 2009

It's a Two-fer!

I mentioned last week (earlier this week?) that I just *might* be a little giveaway sometime soon...and it looks like that time is NOW! And since I felt so bad that it took me so long to get it posted, I'm not doing just one, but TWO! The first is a PORCELAIN prize pack that included the 18 sheets of Porcelain papers, the glazed brads, regular brads and a set of bitty stamps. The other prize is exactly the same, but features the new LIME RICKEY! Fun, fun stuff here! Perfect for getting you out of any *February Funk* you might be in. Trust me, the funk is dangerous....just ask my best friend! ;)
Anyhow...the details. I'm going to make you work a bit for this one, folks. I am looking for Valentine's ideas. Lay some of your best ones on me, I've got some planning to do :) You have until 11:59 PM Friday, the 13th (eeps!) and then I'll pick two winners (one for each package) this Saturday morning, Valentine's Day, as my own little thank you.



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Shanna said...

AAAAAHHHH! Do I win for poeting first Kelly??? HA HA HA! I am in love with BOTH of those!

shelby valadez said...

Hmm.....I always like decorating the whole house with hearts....hanging from the ceiling and light fixtures. Along with heart shaped foods for meals this always makes for a fun valentines day around here. Have fun with it

Steph said...

I think I'm going to make hearts out of my Urban Couture paper (I still have a hard time cutting it this many years after it came out - lol!) and cut slots to fit a small gift card for each of my kids to Starbucks and we'll all go out for hot chocolate. :)

just me....lynn said...

I just like simple - a decorated box of hand dipped chocolate strawberries and some great bubbly!!

Erica Hettwer said...

Well, since we are in the midst of selling our house...decorating is out. :) So, I'll tell you what I did to make my hubby's Valentine's Day stress free. I e-mailed him the three rules of Valentine's Day. Rule 1~Spending limit (inc. card) is $5.00. Rule 2~I am making the dinner plans that night. Rule 3~No more rules, I just love you!

The dinner plans that I'm making is just a pizza joint in his hometown that he loves. So, no fancy-schmancy restaurant and no dressing up. It'll be his best Valentine's Day ever! :D

Lauri {Scrap Attack} said...

How fun, both lines look gorgeous! Elle's Studio recently had some great ideas on her blog for Valentines - one of my favorite was with the Sillycone pans - I had to get some to try the ideas too! (idea posted on 1/28)

Unknown said...

My husband and I are spending a day in the city walking around and enjoying the sights. Then we will have a nice quiet sushi dinner at home. Kind of a day to ourselves.

Lucy Abrams said...

I have a heart shaped cake tin which is perfect for Valentine's. Add some raspberry jam to the cake mix and voila, a pink cake! (Mind you, I've not tried jam in cake mix, only to make pink cookies.... but I'm going to give it a go!)

Houston said...

Ooohlala! I would love to have either of those fab collections to play with!
Let's see for Valentine's Day we always get up and have coffee and cocoa and a yummy breakfast that must include Pillsbury Orange Sweet Rolls then we open little gifts... in my family we always got new undies as kids so my son also gets new underwear, shhhh don't tell his friends;)
This year I am making a fun Valentine's Home Decor project that I hope to post soon.

Kristin said...

Well, I was thinking I might take down my Christmas decorations in honor of Valentine's Day, but we'll see... otherwise I will be making Valentine cards & goodies for parties this week and looking forward to going out to dinner without kids on Saturday.

Stefanie said...

I used a potato to make am heart print and fabric painted red hearts onto white fabric and then stitched that into a square tablecloth that comes out every valentines day. Add choccies and bubblebath and away we go...

Anonymous said...

Sweet giveaway~ Right now I'm putting the finishing touches on my Valentine tree! It is a mini-artifical with a garland and "love birds"! Fun!

Andi (RrlScrapGal) said...

Gorgeous goodies for your RAK!!!

1. Things for my family: OK... My favorite thing to do is make chocolate dipped strawberries for my family... It's our dessert after Valentine's dinner...and dinner is usually a lamb dish - either kabobs, or leg of lamb.. The kids get sparkly apple cider and my husband and I some wine...and yes, it is all four of us celebrating together... and I do try to make each one of them a special card!

2. For crafty projects: I help the kids with their valentines' for their school parties..along with a 'treat' for the other kids.. We usually make a little stamped card, last year my son's was a cowboy theme, and my dd used lots of the super cute K&Co smitten die cut hearts on hers... the little Stampin' up cards and envelopes are just right for these...

Now, did you want us to link up projects as well?

Harley Dee said...

I just found this link to an awesome Valentine's candy box that is made from cake. And it doesn't look hard to make. I think I'm definitely going to try this one :)

Anonymous said...

Woot - love, love, LOVE the porcelain line!!

My Valentine's are for girlfriends and I am making cards with the Basic Grey Bittersweet and Blush lines. Can't go wrong with either for any project you can come up with for V-day!

Chelle said...

one year i made a coupon booklet for my husband. had about 15 coupons in it for things like his favorite dinner, breakfast in bed, foot or back massage. punched a hole in each coupon and put them on a key ring, and wrapped a ribbon around the key ring. he loved it!

Vanessa (aka V'ness, Nessa, oldschool) said...

Hey I kinda feel like this is a shameless plug for my blog but I have made several cards & a bag with a colored chocolate bar.
Anyways it is all posted in my blog
thanks for checkin it out
love your blog btw

Deanna said...

Wow! What a great RAK! For V-day, I'm doing heart shaped pancakes with strawberry syrup for my DH and the kids. Then we're having a famiy day! :)

Anonymous said...

Both of those paper lines are simply delish!
As far as Valentine's Day goes, this year I made little mailbox tins, one for each of my three kids. I plan to put them somewhere that is easily accessible to them and I will place little treats inside for them to find each morning of every day leading up to Valentine's Day.

Jennifer Hansen said...

You can use the 2-4-6-8 template over at to make some little Valentine baskets. They are super easy to make!

Anonymous said...

My DH is kind of a 'Valentine's Bha-Hum-bug' lol, so instead of buying him anything, I usually just make him something.

This Valentine's Day, I plan to make him his all time favorite dinner (spaghetti) and dessert (brownies). Of course the table will all be dressed in red, white amd pinks because making my table pretty is one of my favorite things to do. :) Along with dinner he'll get a homemade card and that's about it.

Happy 'love' day and thanks for the give-away!

Shannon said...

Wow, what an amazing giveaway!!
Here are our v-day plans.
- make homemade cards to send to Daddy in Iraq
- make melted crayon stained glass hearts (melt crayon shavings in between wax paper)
- make sugar cookies & cupcakes and have a v-day tea party, getting dressed up in white, pink, red, or black, only!

Kirsten said...

Here's one for you - I do this for the teachers every year. Go to Michael's and get a small vase and a larger vase, and some *conversation hearts*. Put the small vase in the large vase, fill the space between with the candy, and pop some tulips in the middle - I have a picture on my blog here: - sorry, I'm not so good with the link thing. But this one always gets rave reviews!

leana said...

My girls love to make their own Valentines. Makes me happy too since I have so much stuff they can use. Last year they made puppy Valentines out of hearts. This year one is going to make elephants, the other is going to make kittens.

Leslie Murphy said...

I'm making strawberry flavored heart shaped cookies for Valentines. My husband and I are giving each other the gift of photos--taking our two kiddos to Portrait Innovations to have their yearly portraits made. And then just maybe we'll swing by Joe Bologna's for a heart shaped pizza and some red velvet cake. :)

Anonymous said...

To be honest not alot happens in our house we exchange cards and greetings
This year I'm not even home so guess I will hide his card as a surprise hehehe
I know I know boring - lol
BTW love the paper collections "Basic Grey all the way"

Anonymous said...

I leave a trail of Hershey's kisses for my kids to find when they wake up. It leads to a little present for each of them. Then we have a special Valentines Dinner at night with lit candles, a special meal that everyone likes and little heart cakes.


Patti said...

Valentine's Day is our anniversary! So, I always try to mix things up here - coupon booklets, scavenger hunts, chocolate......skies the limit.

As for the kiddos, a video, valentine hunt and chocolates are a must!!

Having two boys - I LOVE LIME RICKEY!!!

Anonymous said...

hi, The first date my husband and I had, was a week after Valentine's Day and we are celebrating then... Our personal LOVE DAY...

This year I have made two projects:

1. A secret one he'll get only on the actual day (Using Shutterfly's services...)

2. A mini album featuring only silly pictures we took of one another... Enumerating all the little things that makes me crazy in love with him (and laughing out loud).

Erin said...

This year, the plan is for my oldest (3) and I to make heart shaped cookies for my husband then we're going to take them up his school and have lunch with him on the Friday before. Simple, but the girls will love seeing Daddy in the middle of the day (as will I) and he likes us to visit.

Sharie said...

We get together with our playgroup friends every year to decorate cookies. Each family brings their favorite sprinkles to share. Then the kids fun off their sugar buzz.

Last year I altered the $1 spot Target mailboxes for my hubby and two little guys; but this year they are each getting a card from me along with their favorite treats in a cute bag.

I'm excited to see both of the new Basic Grey lines you featured in person! Thanks for doing this give-away.

mustangkayla said...

Seeing as I just had a baby 6 weeks early and we just got home from a week in the NICU, I don't have much time to come up with anything fabulous for him. I kinda feel bad as he deserves something HUGE as he was so supportive and with me every step of the way, even midnight feedings! I'd really like to make him a mini album with pictures of ourt new precious daughter.

Julia said...

My idea are Valentine's coupons for my DH. Things that don't really cost anything, but could be a nice treat. Things like 1.) Coupon for one night of feeding/watering the dogs (which I don't normally do!!) 2.) Coupon for a foot or back massage 3.) Coupon for lunch at his pick of a spot. ETC. Just little things...and then of course, scrapbooking can be used to make this little gift, so that is a treat for me!! Thanks for a great blog Kelley!!

Anonymous said...

I like to bake brownies and then use a heart shaped doily and powdered sugar to make a decoration on the top of the brownies. Really cute.

The Mom said...

OK here is my best idea for valentines this year....

When you buy a dozen Krispy Kreme donuts they are giving away a dozen valentines for the kids to give away and they each come with a coupon for a free donut.

So I took one for the team (LOL) and I bought 3 dozen Krispy Kreme donuts this morning so BOTH my little guys could give their friends Krispy Kreme valentines.

How's that for true motherly love!!!

Lynn Ghahary said...

Oh I just love these two lines especially Lime Rickey! Let's see ... I have to say that out of the two of us my husband is much more of a romantic than I am. He has planned a little getaway for us on Valentine's Day weekend to a nice hotel that has a comedy club in it as well. We'll have a nice relaxing day than finish the evening up laughing until our bellies hurt. I'm a really lucky girl! :)

Anonymous said...

Make cupcakes that lookes like hearts!! Its super cute! And also i make the bedroom a bit romantic with lots of pink lights and i buy fresh flowers to have next to the bed. And LOADS of cuddling with the fiancé... thats the best part of valentines day...

Mote said...

Hello Kelly!!! I like tou blog very much!!! I live in Russia^))) My English very bad, but I hope you undestend my idea:))))

My husband likes very sweet. I make a box for chocolates. The box in the form of the heart. I will make candy, and write on each candy sweet words. For example, my favorite, my sweetest, most beautiful, etc. I wrap each candy in a beautiful falgu. My husband will be deployed candy and it will read the good words about him:)))

I recently engaged in scrapbooking. But I love the paper from Fancy Pants Designs and BasicGrey. I buy them, I use them in their work very much:))))

Meg said...

I have bought my hubby a gorgeous box of chocolate blooms which are being delivered by this very cool company,, he's a chocoholic!!

Melissa said...

I was going to say I like to K.I.S.S.... keep it simple, silly! But, I'm seeing lots of good ideas here! Normally, it's a card for dh and a card for dd, plus something special for her in her lunch.

anniekate said...

This will be my first "married" Valentines Day. A tradition I'm starting this year is creating a slidehsow on PhotoStory of our year together. Picking out the best love songs currently I'm in love with to go along with the pictures. This year's song, These are the Days by Sugarland!

Kelly said...

We have to have a family valentines day. So I am thinking a movie for all of us, then a nice dinner at home with wine and sparkling grape juice. I picked up some cute stuff for the girls from Target, and DH wants a few random things that I am getting him.

On a side note dh gave me an ipod touch for valentines day already. So I am pretty happy. We normally don't do anything for v-day, I am not sure what has gotten into us this year. I think that since we didn't buy each other much for Christmas this year we are making up for it now.

Haberdawoman said...

I like to put litle notes and gooding every morning in our daughters valentine mail boxes, just a little something to brighten their day. BTW the lime rickey line is WOW! YUMMY! BRIGHT! WOW! Good luck to all the ladies :)

Angel S. said...

Love the giveaways! I have gotten some good ideas here. I may have to try a few. To me the big thing is the card. I love the way my husband expresses his love. Sometimes he is funny, sometimes he is flirty and sometimes he is just appreciative. I say - go big on the card and tell whoever how much you adore them!

Malin said...

I Love all the new lines but Porcleain just melts my heart!!
Okay so her´s a tip
Take an ordinary notebook and scrap it the way you like it and in a lovable way on booth sides Give it to that special someone in your life and each one of you write something special that you want that person in your life to know. beginning from one side each in the book so that you can meet in the middle ♥
I got the idea from a sweet friend of mine so i decided to scrap a notebook and give my loved one this for Valentines day, what could be better then a book made out of love!

erin said...

i like keeping it simple, as far as decorations go. i have a simple heart wreath for the front door, some kitchen towels and placemats in the heart theme.
on the actual day, my dd and i make our immediate family valentine's day cards, and each of my girls gets a little treat bag or box filled with simple goodies. ie: raisins, dum dum lollys, stickers. my dh gets a date night and lots of lovin:)

Amy @ Positively Splendid said...

Kelly, I am seriously coveting that Lime Rickey!! Right up my alley.

For Valentine's Day, how about a first trip away, just the two of us, since our honeymoon? DH is whisking me away to Florida, and my parents are making the 1000-mile trip here just to stay with our little ones! Talk about him executing a plan, huh?! :)

Wendy said...

I don't think you can go wrong with good ole heart shaped sugar cookies and yummy pink buttercream icing! Want some right now!

Anonymous said...

Oh I love the Porcelain collection!!

Valentine's Day - get a heart shaped pizza and a bottle of cheap red wine and some gooey brownies! Sounds like a perfect night to me!

Anonymous said...

What a sweet giveaway on a sweet day! I am considering making peppermint bark for my husband. He loves peppermint and it is a great way to use up the candy canes left over from Christmas. I also have a new recipe that uses white chocolate instead of almond bark. White chocolate is another one of his favorites!

Andrea McCulley

Seeingred said...

I am going to make my husband and kids do a scavenger hunt in our neighborhood to find their gifts. Later on Valentines Day the four of us are going to spend the afternoon at a retirement home reading and playing games with the residents since it is a day for showing love.

Bibi said...

I know Valentine's is usually for couples, but one time a group of us got together and had a pink party that was quite fun. All the decor was pink, utensils pink, even food and drinks pink...think salmon and ham and pink lemonade...

Becky said...

we order chinese food and watch a cheesy love movie

polinka said...

o cool!! love them!

House of Smiths said...

I have to say that my hubby is the BEST. Last year he made a hair appt. with my hair lady, set up a facial, and makeup session, and then met me for a late lunch and movie. (he works a lot, and never has V-Day off, so we usually do things during the day so he can work a split shift)
Any who, this year I wanted to do something special for him. And as cheezy as it sounds he ALWAYS is laughing and making fun at those stupid infomercials for dumb stuff, but then, at the same time, says... "I wonder if that really works" So this year I bought him like 3 different infomercial things for him to open on V-Day. He will DIE. They range from the "crazy puddy" that the obnoxious oxi-clean guy sells on TV... to the full size "snuggie" that is "WAY better than a regular blanket!" HAHA. He will love them, and probably actually USE them. That's the best part. Nightie's and chocolate is always good, but when you've been married long enough... something funny is ALWAYS a winner!!

Jennifer said...

I used to decorate - but the kids are older now. Loved making doily hearts and getting V-day gifts for the kids - stuffed animals, cards, candy. Now it's just the bf and I and we usually do a candlight dinner with lots of sweets for dessert!


Anonymous said...

We do our best to avoid the commercialised side of V Day, so I make a card for hubby that I re-write my wedding vows into, and he cooks a 3 course dinner - he loves cooking so suits me!

It's one of the rare days of the year we sit down & eat at the dinner table.

This year, I'm also going to hang some homemade heart decorations over the dining table.

Anonymous said...

I always carried on a tradition from my mother.She would leave candy hearts and red hots all around the breakfast table for us kids and some small toy or gift with a note that said I love you. I still do that today for my daughter who is 17. For my husband I always make dinner for him that night since he cooks all the other nights.I make him a card and coupons.
I love the BG lines,always the best out there.

Susan said...

This is an idea for kids...when my daughters were little, I used to tint their milk pink (using red food coloring) for Valentine's Day and I would make muffins and brownies in heart-shaped tins. My girls are now teenagers and they still look forward to celebrating Valentine's Day like this.

Geralyn said...

What awesome prizes :) I don't really do much for Valentine's day, but I saw this cute craft where you can make paper fortune cookies! You can fill them with any fortune you want and they'd be perfect to give to a friend. Here's the link:

Kimberly Crawford said...

Oh, my! Those papers are gorgeous and I loved them IRL at CHA!!!
Here is an idea from my blog. I got the original idea from Wilton.
They are made using brownie pop pan from Wilton.
Have a Happy Valentines Day!

Elaine said...

I'm taking recipes straight from the food channel network shows that we watched this weekend (of course I made some notes of the things he liked best). Normally HE is the cook, so I will surprise him EARLY and make the dinner TONIGHT!! Wish me luck!

Sue Lui said...

I'm all for KISS - you know, Keep It Simple Silly! Start off with a beautiful handmade Valentine's Card, followed by a delicious romantic dinner for 2 in a quiet setting where you can talk to your heart's content. :)

amanda said...

Personally I would love a bubble bath with the petals floating and candles going. A dinner date is always nice too. Happy Valentines Day!

Kathy said...

Well besides the usual pink/red M&M's at the house (always a favorite) I sent away for some digital valentine's card with our pictures on them from Storybooks for Everyone (I think that is the name). They just came and are so cute. Then I am making a special altered picture frame with our family photo in it for my Mom. We just lost Pop (her husband) back in Nov. so I wanted to make her something special.

Unknown said...

Wow Kelly!! Both such wonderful lines!
For the kids I've just made up some goodie bags with homemade heart tags with their initials on them. For my hubby I made this card with a gift card in it:
When you remove the gift card it says 'I *heart* U.
We have a sweetheart dinner at our church on Saturday evening which is always nice but we're also going to try and go out for appetizers earlier in the week to have some time for just the 2 of us to chat. One year we went to Boston Pizza - they make heart-shaped pizzas on Valentines which is fun!

Tracey said...

WOW! So generous of you! Thanks for the chance to win!

No real Valentine's advice here. We don't do a lot with the day. I am heading to a scrappy class in the morning at my fave lss. Other than that, maybe my baby girl & I will make some Valentine cookies. Oh, and just maybe I will be celebrating winning a little blog candy!! ;)

Marilyn Nimmo said...

We are NASCAR fans and of course, the Daytona 500 is always around Valentines day. I am joining my son for the race this year, so for my husband I have purchased some hockey tickets for him for Valentines day. These will be in a handmade card that is in my "stash" since we have had a death in our family and creative time is not available right now. We are busy with family, funeral, and packing for the trip after the funeral. However, he is going to be VERY surprised with the hockey tickets, which will be the best Valentines day present of all for me!

Anonymous said...

No decorating here but I'm planning on a fondue dinner :)

Debbie O'Neal said...

Oh WOW -- Lime Rickey is so ROcKING!! Gotta have some of that to brighten my days :)

I love to punch out hearts of all sizes and leave them all over the place for DH to find with little silly "love notes" on them. I hide them in his sock drawer, beside his razor, on the placemat the breakast table, on the seat of his get the point. He loved it when I did that last year. I even dropped by his office and had the receptionist hand him one in an envelop later in the day. When he got home afer work..he was really in the mood to celebrate our love :)

Anonymous said...

Maybe you could take your boys out on a special Mommy and me date. My husband does that with my girls and it is just precious. He comes home with flowers, balloon, and candy in hand for each of them. Then they get all dressed up and have a date night. Have a great Valentine's day! Love the stuff in the giveaway!

crazy said...

About 5 year ago I started having a Valentines Scanvenger Hunt for my kids. I jut make clues and leave a piece of candy/penci/sticker with each clue and they lead to a fun gift. My kids love Webkinz/books so that is what they will probably get this year. Anyways good luck and Have a great Valentines. Tammi

Melissa said...

I think that a quiet evening at home once the kids are in bed with a movie and takeout (and of course a yummy dessert) is our plan! With my kids will be making Valentines and cookies and teacher gifts this week.

Grace said...

I love these me get out of my
Valentine's morning would be great to set the table all special and make heart shaped pancakes and eggs and anything else you can think of and just sit back and enjoy! Grace

Diana said...

I follow your blog but this is my first time posting. I love those Porcelain papers! and this is a cool RAK. I just completed some valentine projects and posted them on my blog -

Thanks for the contest - and your blog is awesome!

Heather M. said...

Wow, another awesome giveaway!!!

DH already sent me for a massage for Valentine's Day and it was awesome!!!

I'm going to print wallet size photos for DH and the grandparents of our kids to carry around in their wallets. I have some cute Valentine's Day shirts that I'll dress the kids up in and take a photo - hopefully tomorrow so I can print and mail them asap.

antenucci said...

I love the new porcelin paper it is beautiful! I don't normally decorate for valentines, but this year I am trying to get projects done for the kids school.

Kristen said...

i know many people use this idea, and it's been published...but it's really my kids' favorite (and their classmates LOVE it!)...I have each boy create an oversized Valentine...however they like it...and then we go to a fun location (this year it's a building in old town with a fun turquoise wall) and take a portrait of them holding their valentine. i print those out as wallet sized photos and we attach it to a bag 'o handmade valentine sweets. This is what they hand out to classmates instead of store bought valentines. my oldest's kinder friends talked about the picture of him for weeks! thanks for the contest, kellee! good luck with your's the weather that does it to me! spring is almost here...

Becca said...

For my hubby I am going to make heart shaped waffles for breakfast, go get him his favorite drink from starbucks and write "i {heart} you" on the cup, heart shaped sandwiches for lunch, and for dinner I think we are going out (he's in charge of that). Oh, and I am using my Cricut to make an "i love you" banner I am going to hang either in our bedroom or our bathroom after he goes to bed the night before. Just a few little things to make he feel special. :)

MelB said...

A banner with heart dolies would be very nice!!!

Those pps would for sure get my out of that Feb funk I'm in, I'm so ready for Spring to get here and see all this snow melt.

Have a good week Kelly!

Anonymous said...

Hmm...I'm a total romantic, so for valentine's day, a great idea would be a picnic on the waterfront or at a park during sunset. It's simple and something a couple can do as well as something the whole family can take part in. Just bring sandwiches, champagne (not for the kids, obviously =)), and dessert.

Anonymous said...

love the goodies
i am going to make a heart shaped layout using felt of me and my daugher for valentines she is special and still my girl at 14


Kimmie said...

oh this would be so cool. I will be on vacation away from hubby :(

Cynthia Baldwin said...

What I plan to do this year for my kids is to give coupons w/ things specific to what they like: "30 min. bonus time on the wii" or "30 min. playtime w/ Mom or Dad", plus a couple for sweet treats - like a milkshake or "extra dessert". One of the sites had a great idea - go to and create a word find for them.

For hubby, we already celebrated Valentine's w/ a date night this past Fri. (because he didn't want to "fight crowds" on Feb. 14 - romantic, ay?), but I plan to give him coupons too...I don't think I'll make them R-rated - LOL! - but just to give him time to do stuff that HE wants to do, instead of sharing in the kid-sitting duties!

LOVE that Lime Rickey!! Thanks for asking, because now I'm reading other ideas too.

SmilynStef said...

We usually don't do anything special on holidays ... we prefer to do unexpected special things all year long. We'll probably just stay home, have some home made soup, and watch a movie ... and maybe even a game of Wii golf.

Colby said...

I want the funk...gotta have that funk! the Lime Rickey!

I did this project for V-Day for my staff at work. Hope they'll love them. Saw this on her site and thought these were too cute. Super simple to make!

Happy Valentine's Day to your crew!

Amy said...

One of the few Valentine gifts my husband actually remembers getting is a puzzle I gave him one year. I found a small heart puzzle that had about 40 pieces, and I mailed him a few of the pieces each day for a week to his office. He was a little stumped the first day when he received the first few pieces which didn't really make anything since there were so many missing pieces. I made it all anonymous (though I'm sure he knew it had to be from me). On the last day, I included a Valentine note telling him I loved him and that he would always have my heart (corny, I know!). He looked forward to getting the new pieces each day to see if he could figure out what the final picture would be. It was fun!

Melanie said...

I SOOOOO love both lines, and would so love to have either one of those giveaways! For my daughters friends on our street I'm getting the MM mini jars and putting candy in them, along with her decorating them with foam glitter hearts, and then tieing ribbon around them. I'm doing the same thing for her teacher and my hubby, just with the large sized jars. Then on Saturday we are having a family date. Getting a picnic with some heart shaped sandwiches, red died white grape juice, and some yummy treats. We're also making some V-day sugar cookies. For the hubby and I we are going out that night to a movie and getting some food from one of our favorite restaraunts, bringing it home, and enjoying a nice quiet dinner, and then going to pick up the girls.

Anonymous said...

I do all the usual heart things, but both my girls expected jello parfaits for Vday. Sometimes you wonder if the little things you do are even noticed. But my husband is so special. He has always sent me flowers & a rose to each of our daughters (they're now 40 & 25). I think they love his rose more than flowers from their husbands!

BabyBokChoy said...

I just saw Target has those adorable little mailboxes at the dollar spot. Decorate those is like cake for a master like you :)

Otherwise, I vote for red velvet cake, they speak Valentine to me!

Ann said...

I have little Valentine's Day stockings which I give the kiddos and inside are little gifts wrapped in red. Nothing too big, but the kdis love it!!

Christi said...

I've got a low-maintenance sweetie. I'm making his favorite cookies. Having a big party on Valentine's Day with Mexican food and margaritas.

Sher said...

It has been a rough time for many in our area with the ice storms. We decided to donate our extra budget dollars to the American Red Cross instead of going all out for Valentines Day.
I will also be dropping off some "Hugs" aka Teddy Grahams in Clear Valentine Bags from HL and wrapped candy bars for the guys at our Electric Coop.

Allison Cope said...

Here are some ideas:
- Mini card holding "back pack" made out of paper for your kids Valentines.
- heart "i love u" garland
- centerpiece for your table
Hope those help!

Anonymous said...

These papers are divine!! I made little Valentine card kits for my neighbors kids. I put a little bit of product in a baggie and they go to town creatiing cards. They have alot of fun. As far as celebrating ourselves.....I think hubby and I will order in some Thai food and enjoy each other company (if he can get me out of my craft room....LOL!

Anonymous said...

Oh I can't wait to read what everyone else said! I LOVE Valentine's Day!!! I LOVE those little mailboxes with love notes.

Brenda said...

That is some fabulous paper and goodies. I wish I could help you with some ideas but I am fresh out of them right now myself. I will be looking here for some idea for me. Thank you

Anonymous said...

Give your family, friends, or loved ones a "Heart Attack". Cut out and decorate all different sizes and types of hearts. Post them all over the house, room, classroom etc. just as if you were "TP'ing"?? a house. This is a lot of fun and great to see the responses. Have fun and Happy Valentine's Day!

Anonymous said...

I've done a little scavenger hunt with clues (on cut-out hearts, of course) around the house...the end 'prize' is a homemade heart shaped cake for the kids and my husband. This year is my daughter's 1st bday on Feb. 14 (our little sweetheart) so I'm making heart shaped cupcakse (Wilton pan), and placing the cupcakes in the shape of a heart. For the cousins, we're doing a little game of "I love you because" where we write down one thing they love about their grandparents and then will take their photo and write the reason they love them on the back of the photo (though I may make a mini-book out of it this year) Have a great V-day!

DebW said...

A quiet dinner for 2 with a bowl in the center of the table with papers that contain thought provoking questions about the 2 of you as a couple-where you were, where you are now and where you see yourselves in the future as well as trivia questions to answer about eachother-I'll bet my dh doesn't really know what my favorite dessert is or what my all time favorite book or movie is!!

Jenny B in Indy said...

Well, I love BOTH of them but my favorite line of all the new CHA stuff is Lime Rickey, hands down!

My 2.5 yr old little guy and I have been making these cute little Valentine men
to send to friends and family in other States.
I attached magnets to the back of them for the Grandma's to hang them on their fridges and little scalloped pictures of him are attached to their hands :)
My son has been having SO much fun helping Mama with her "glue" and "hearts" (two new words learned from this project.. YAY!)
I think he's going to be the next Tim Holtz in about 25 years! :)

Jenny B in Indy said...

Oops.. I think my link got cut off. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

I am going to make my hubby a heart-shaped egg in a hole for breakfast [punch out the bread in the middle with a cookie cutter, toast the bread, and then add the egg], fresh raspberries on the side and cappuccino with a heart foam on top [my coffee barista taught me how to do this at home!]. This is going to be my first time treating him after being married for so long!

Then I'll treat him with my handmade card that has a pop up hearts inside. I hope he likes it.

I am SO in love with Lime Rickey. A great V-day giveaway!

Shelley P.

Anonymous said...

One year I decorated a jar and filled it with hershey kisses. On each hershey kiss, I put a reason why I love my hubby. He still has the jar and all the "tags" from the chocolate that say why I love him!!!!

Margie Higuchi said...

My idea is to make (well, already made) a chipboard full of Valentines/Love shapes in a wreath with a couple of pictures sprinkle in between. And when Valentine's is done, it will be a picture frame to add to a 12x12 it will serve twice as long!

Good luck with finding a good idea!

Ruby Claire said...

My 2 FAVOURITE EVER lines by BG! (:
Okay here's my idea/s..
BEAR WITH ME HERE! It's on the spot haha.
Okay, cut 2 large hearts........... Alter both sides...Sew around the edges but leave a 3 or so cm gap in the side. Fill with stuffing...
Sew up the side.... Punch a hole wherever you please...
Make heaps of them and then tie string in the holes and make yourself a cute heart mobile thingy.
When serving food, you could serve it in one big heart too! haha...
Uhhhmm... racking my tiny brain here!..
OKAY i'm completely empty... was only 2 ideas as well!
haha oh wells! Have a fabulous week! thanks for the opportunity!

Anonymous said...

I think for my son's class I'm going to do sweetheart boxes with his picture on them and a little card with the saying "Will You Be My Sweetheart?" to go with.
I'm thinking for his teacher I will do a nice card (made by me) with a Starbucks card, because if I were a teacher and was dealing with 25 Kindergartners all day, I'd want to treat myself to a Coffee after work!!

suzitee said...

Sadly here in Australia, we don't really celebrate Valentines Day...or maybe that's just my house :) Can I make up for it by telling you how much I LOVE BGs new ranges? Seriously love them. can't pick a favourite.

Ella Swan said...

I am going to make a mini album with heart shaped pages cut from 4" squares of red & black bazzill (pasted back to back). I am going to punch a hole in the top left area for the ring & tie red & black ribbons on it. Then I am going to print small photos of close-ups of me & us over the last year & print them out in black & white for the right-hand pages. I am going to print all the journalling on white bazzill then cut it into strips for all the left-hand pages. I am on a mission to use up all my stash (think credit-crunch!) so am going the simple route but think it will look very effective!

Anonymous said...

I live in the UK and we just don't celebrate it the same as you do in the US.
I will be getting hubby a card as usual. I'll prob do little lovenotes for him hidden around the house and in his car. I sometimes send another card to his office - that one might be a little more saucy!
Would like to do little lovenotes for our boys to find as they wake as I've never done that before. Valentines day here is mostly for adults.
Great giveaway - thanks.

Anonymous said...

I love this papers!!!
I will do something!!!



Jana said...

We love to make coupon books for each other (all the adults and kid) as well as make a gift for each other (this year we're making a fleece blanket with dad's favorite sports team). Then I bought a box of Dad's favorite (P'butter cups) in a heart shaped box and then decorated it with my scrap supplies to make it special.

Kim M said...

To be romantic, try fixing breakfast super duper early and waking your lovey up before the sun goes up. Take the breakfast to the park and eat it as the sun goes up.

Mindy said...

I am making these Lollipop Lilies for my kids:

Super easy and way cute!

And I am making these for my hubby:

Totally not my ideas, but that's what I'm doing :)

aggiebonfire00 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

we have a progressive dinner, eating a different course in a different room. where we eat dessert is up to me (or him in odd years)!

Scrapbookdoll said...

On valentine we like to go out for dinner....just te two of us (our son goes to his grandparents fot a night ;-)), this year we gonna eat indian food in bruges a top romantic city...and wonder around ....talking and and enjoy the view of te city by night....
have a great valentinesday

Anonymous said...

I started a few weeks ago a partnership with Stampin'Up on my blog. The 1st project we choose is for Valentines Day (a mini-album in a box, a card, a gift box...):
I hope it will give you some ideas... althought I think you don't need any ideas to make lovely things ;-)

Jenna Franklin said...

It's funny - I have been single on Valentine's Day for years now and HATE the day itself, lol, but LOVE creating for it and decorating for it!

Some of my favorites:

I have several Bittersweet projects that haven't gone up on my blog yet (because they're published in SNR at the moment) too! :)

Anonymous said...

waouh ! these new collections are so wonderful !!!!
I'm in love with both of those !!!
Delphine from France

Corey W. said...

I am making heart crayons for my dd's class party (I got the idea off Elle's blog). for my dh and kids I just make each of them a special card with a small candy treat. we don't make a big deal out of the day but always exchange cards!

love reading everyone's ideas and ways to celebrate~

Jingle said...

I made a fun little "Love" banner for valentine's day. I posted a picture on my blog so if you want, you can go check it out! Thanks for the great giveaway! These are both beautiful lines!

Tammy Vasser said...

I did this last year for my husband and although there's no chocolate involved, it was really fun and not very expensive. I purchase a couple big bunches of bananas and tied little love notes to each one and placed them all around the house and in his car where he would find them. The little notes said, "I go bananas for you", "wild for you" and homemade Valentines on some as well. It was fun to find fun places to put the bananas, like in his sock drawer and on top of his keyboard in his office. It was also fun to use my scrapbook supplies to make the notes since most of my supplies go to making pages about the children. By the way, I bought fairly green bananas just incase he didn't find them all. I went around the next day and collected the ones he missed.
Thanks for offering the give-away, I LOVE the new lines!!!

HallMom said...

We are going on a date Friday morning to celebrate valentines day. We are going to different antique stores. I am making brownies with the kids for their preschool class and putting conversation hearts on the top.

cbk said...

I leave a berry garland up from the holidays and decorate it with hearts for Valentine's day. Makes me happy to use it for more than one holiday.

Sarah and the rest of the family said...

Our valentines gifts this year? We will dance at a family wedding! Thanks, in part, to the Dancing With the Stars hoopla, my husband and I have been taking ballroom dance classes for three months. Talk about feeling sexy in the body God gave me -- once you learn to move it, it's so much fun -- yes, even when we do something stupid. It really is romantic for us to get away an hour a week, and focus on each other instead of our four little ones.

Anonymous said...

I am getting my husband two silver maple trees for V-day to plant in our yard. The are to symbolize us growing old together. We hope to always be in our current home as we grow old together so we can see the trees grow. I did this same thing a couple of years ago. Those trees have really grown. I loved the idea so much, I wanted to do it again, not to mention have two more beautiful trees in my yard!

kmp1515 said...

We have the house decorated with Dollar store that place. I bought each of the kids little baskets and I am going to fill it with treats and a little puppy holding a heart....and for dinner on Saturday we are going to have fondue. I am a total holiday person and love, love, love Valentines Day!!!!

Charlene said...

My Valentine's Day ideas are to make my daughter a little coupon book for the things that make her happy . . . "Nintendo Time", trips to Dairy Queen, etc. For my husband (who is a Kentucky boy) I think he would most appreciate steak and potatoes for dinner and something chocolate-y for dessert. The dog will get a trip to the groomer so she can look pretty for the holiday!

Cassi said...

Past Valentines Day gift (for him)/activity (for me) was making a simple scrapbook of all the things I love about my husband (then boyfriend). At that point we'd only been together 3 months, I think this would be a fun project to revisit to see how things have changed.

Other past projects include cookie bouquets made using the Wilton pan, lollipop sticks, and cellophane that you can pick up at your local craft store. Another project was buying little toys e.g. Hot Wheels and putting cute sayings on them -- can be done for little or in my case big kids.

This year is the best though, well at least most creative. I'm going to make my husband a card about "spicing up our Valentine's Day" and then I'm going to blindfold him. Who know's what he'll be thinking. Then I'm going to kidnap him and take him to this awesome spice store. He loves spices and will really enjoy picking out some new things to cook with.

I too need to kick this February Funk!

Brianna said...

I just do some small little gifts for the kids, some candy, and then a card for my hubby!

Lori Y. said...

I always give my kids a book for Valentine's Day along with a small piece of candy! They LOVE chocolate, but they get enough throughout the year that they don't need a lot more at Valentines. You can never have too many books!!!! And, of course, I will make them all a handmade Valentine's card! My parents will get a special Valentine'e Day/Happy Anniversary card since they got married Feb 14th(39 years ago). This year it's made with the Bittersweet paper!!! LOVE it!

Debbi said...

Of course making Valentine cards for your loved one is a tradition. But I found a quote (forgot where, so forgive me) for my friend's Valentine's Days cards....."LOVE DOESN'T HAVE TO BE ROMANTIC.....FRIENDSHIP IS FULL OF LOVE"
Have a great day.

Catherine said...

I love to do a Valentine Swap, either within the family or with your bff. Find a beautiful box container and decorate it using lovely paper, lace, get the idea. And then fill the box with delightful treats, perhaps home baked heart cookies, hand made mini album with your favorite basic grey product line, some scrap book products, like jewels, flowers, etc. You get the idea and then finish up with a hand made card and excange on Valentine's Day. Hope you try it, it is a fun thing to do.
Catherine A

Louise said...

Love those papers! Thanks for being so generous!

Now that the kids are gone, it's just me and my hubby. We'll order out and eat in the dining room on the red tablecloth with candles!

Caroline said...

The very first Valentine's Day (1997) my now husband and I spent together, I was a little nervous about what to do for him. We hadn't been dating long and I didn't want to be too mushy. We were freshman in college, living in a dorm.
I took a piece of posterboard and folded it into 4ths. Once it was folded, I used it like a large card. I cut words and phrases out of magazines and used them to write my message and decorate the card. I unfolded the poster board and used the 4 quadrants to spell out phrases of the things we liked to do together. I used only magazines cut up to create this giant collage.

My husband loved it! He kept it and says it is still his favorite gift for me. I made him another one for our first wedding anniversary (paper) 7 years later!

Sue Bullough Burningham said...

I'm doing the 14 days of Valentine's for my hubby. I give him one present per day for 14 days. You could start on V-day and go till the end of the month. I made cute tags for each gift with dumb little ryming poems that start with "Roses are red..." Each is a clue to what is in the package. One of the nights the kids and I are going to surprise him with a fancy steak dinner. Beautifully set table etc with the kids dressed up as waiters. They will seat us and serve us dinner. maybe even a musical number--Cosby show style. They are soo excited!

Stay Funny said...

Home made gift certificates!

Gayle215 said...

This year for my Hubby I am making a "Ten Things" mini book. I found the Valentine American Crafts 8x8 book in the $1.99 Hot Spot at Archivers, ordered the numbers 1-10from Elle's Studio on Etsy, super inexpensive, & it will include ten random 10 things I love about him like starting the coffee so I have a fresh cup immediately when I get up, etc. Love on a Budget!!!!

scrapping4twins said...

Here's a link to "iValentine" Rock Candy - it is so cute for those that love their iPods!
Happy Valentine's Day!

Anonymous said...

Ok, first I have to say I absolutely love both of those collections.
One really fun thing that the kids and I did this year was we went and bought really cheap crayons, came home and ripped the paper off. We broke them up into tons of pieces, and put them into silicone heart shaped bakeware. We put them in the oven to let them melt. Once they were cool, we popped them out and we had perfect heart crayons :) We did these for their classes. Also, the kids will sit down and make valentine's out of those foam hearts. They put who they are to and that they love them. For family that doesn't live here, we take pictures of them holding their valentine, and email it our family. That always gets a ton of compliments! Thank you for hosting such a fantastic giveaway.
Blessings~~~Danielle Wycough

Anonymous said...


...AND THEN 5+

Well, My husband and I sit at different ends of the table and we make each other valentine's cards for each other. It is nice because he shares in something i enjoy and i found he has a talent in this area.

NOW, years later we have kids and we do a card making night as a family- we make cards for each other and then others outside our family. Every year we have new ideas to work with -- this year it is making our own glitter embellishments and pop up heart cards.

jamie hansen said...

Oh, another thing is making folded paper hearts and paper clip hearts with normal paper clips.

BOTH kits are beautiful! Thanks

Jennifer said...

My favorite Valentine craft lately is making heart shaped crayons out of my boys old broke crayons! They are such a hit with the kids at school too! Here is a great tutorial:

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly...thanks for the chance to win, since BG is my most favorite in the WHOLE wide world!
So I say keep it simple...a little punched scallop, with some slits for a sucker, a little love note on there, and you are good to go. No need to be super duper every minute.

Samantha said...

My husband and I have never really been big on celebrating Valentine's Day just because it's SO busy to go out. Instead, we like to pack a picnic dinner and eat on the floor in our living room. Simple and fun, and we get to spend time together. :-)

Lisa said...

I'm happy with some valentine cupcake making with the kids and our favorite dinner. I do a lot of talking with the kids about friendship around valentines day and thinking about how we can be kind to others. Random acts of kindness day is in February! :)

Summer Braxton said...

We always keep V-Day inexpensive mainly bc it's tradition. We ended up at Arby's (which we never go to) on our first V-Day (we were both too sick to do anything more), and we've made it a tradition to go there every year since. This year, my husband is deployed so I sent him some packets of Arby's sauce! I also etched some of our "love phrases" on a glass jar using my cricut and some glass etching cream. Then I filled the jar with black and red strips of paper that each have a reason why I love him written on it.

Anonymous said...

I am making a photo heart garland to hang up. Cookies for the kids to decorate which they'll do with a friend while I sneak my husband out for a surprise afternoon movie. and for dinner...homemade heart-shaped pizza (a family tradition)

Unknown said...

I will be making heart shaped muffins (bought a silicone pan a few years back). Then driving to Tahoe for ski week with the family.

Heidi said...

I just try to write a real personal note to each of my kids for Valentine's Day. They still have the ones I gave them last year...and of course candy!
Heidi H.

Pegg S said...

After making some Valentine's projects and cards, I have tons of scraps leftover. What about making some little Love cards to tuck into your family member's lunchbox, under the pillow, etc. ? Or make a set to gift to your friends?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance to win. I don't have any extra special V Day suggestions - we usually don't make much of a fuss about it 'cos it's my birthday the next day so that's when the real celebrating happens. I am working on making myself a lovely Valentine's card that my DH can write an appropriate message in! It's a win-win situation, I get the fun of making a card & he doesn't have to go shopping for a card! (He also doesn't have to shop for presents as I took care of that by placing a big order with one of my favourite on-line crafty shops recently!! And he's getting a new garage built at home so that's all his presents taken care of for several years!!).

Gwen Lafleur said...

I love both of these lines!

This is something I did last year that worked really well... I took some Prima flower tins and then made a little sleeve out of my SB supplies that fit around it and made it look festive. I filled it with red velvet cake balls which are super easy to make (bake a RV cake, dump it in a bowl and mix it with a can of cream cheese frosting, cool the mixture, roll it into balls and then dip it in melted dipping chocolate.) Delicious! Here's a link to a picture:

Catherine Couch Doucette said...

Oh, how fun! What I do for my kids is have a "red day". Everything is red, what we wear, what we eat, ect. Dinner will probably be spaghetti (with red sauce, of course!), red juice, strawberries, red Jello for dessert. Little red cards/notes on their bed when they wake up in the morning, tink their milk in the morning with Strawberry get the idea! So much fun!

just lisa said...

I would absolutely love to win one of these - how awesome!!!

Shara said...

I decided instead of buying candy for my kids friends and cousins we are making heart shaped crayons. Plus it is a great way to use my ever growing supply of crayons

Anonymous said...

It takes some work, but it was a blast and my sweetie loved it! I had some white butcher paper from a long ago craft project and decided to "wallpaper" the dining room and living and sponge paint the entire walls with shades of pinks and purples. Then it was heart themed for the entire day. Heart shaped pancakes, heart shaped sandwiches for lunch and heart shaped crab cakes for dinner. We still laugh about how much fun the house looked that day.....we actually left it up for a week. It was just too bright and cheery to take down. Hope you get some fantastic ideas and Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours!

Anonymous said...

I made a little pillow box for treats for Valentine's day. And, I am SOOO in love with that Lime Rickey line...

Julie said...

Love both of these, Kelly!!!! :) We're actually doing a fun dinner and games night (board games that will likely turn into poker but who's counting! ;)), 8 of our closest friends, good wine, a few hearts scattered around and voila, you have a Valentine's Day helps that we either don't have kids or they are all "growed up" in this group but it's still fun for the "old folks"! ;)

Anonymous said...

Since I´m from Finland were Valentine's Day is called "friends day" I have made several mini albums for my friends to celebrate our friendship

Janene said...

What a treat it would be to win! Thanks for sharing all your fabulous ideas.

Cass said...

I like simple gestures. In our home, the gifts are breakfast in bed with family cuddles for my hubby, and some uninterrupted scrapbooking time in the afternoon for me.

Heather said...

This year we moved just before Christmas and didn't get to make our favorite sugar cookies. I plan on starting them with the kids today for Valentines Day and decorate heart shape sugar cookies. We always look forward to going to Valentino's Dessert Cafe put on by the Youth at our church for a fundraising event. They have fabulous desserts and a great time for the whole family.
Fantastic giveaway!

Kirsten said...

I like to make heart-shaped muffins for my family and put them in with their lunches. As Valentines day is a Saturday this year though we are going to have chocolate fondue for desert with lots of strawberries and marshmallows - yum :)

Fleursbydesign said...

I made a few things for my boys for valentine's day. A tin with x's and o's game in it and some mailboxes for their valentine's cards. You can see them on my blog here

I love the new lines!

Heather and Lance said...

My favorite thing to do for valentine's day is to get out a bunch of papers and embellishments and let my kids make valentines for each other. They always turn out so adorable and they have so much fun getting to play with mommy's stuff.

Karalyn & Jason said...

We're actually not going to be home for V-day! We'll be at a hockey I don't exactly know what I'll be doing for DH. I may make him breakfast in bed!!

julie.schellin said...

both of these lines would be so much fun to play with!

Our plans for the day include fun foods: pink pancakes for breakfast, pizza lunch, and a fancy Bella Notte (from Lady and the Tramp) spaghetti dinner. But my kids' favorite? Valentine M&M's for breakfast, as an appetizer to their pancakes. Candy for breakfast? Surely that means true love. :)

Maria said...

We might make valentine cookies "pops". Make sugar cookies, cut out into heart shapes (I like mine kind of thick) and bake. As soon as they come out, slide in candy sticks. Once they harden, you are good to go. My girls love them and they are an easy treat for daycare.

Lan said...

Beautiful kits! Last year, I purchased this huge glass margarita looking cup from Walmart and put a couple scoops of ice cream and some rootbeer in it and 4straws and we had a family was fun and I'd forgotten all about it...think we'll try it again this year. Maybe use strawberry ice cream with strawberry soda.

Kathy Martin said...

Woooo hooooo would that Lime Rickety pack be so awesome to win having a boy to scrap about! I'm crossing all my fingers and toes! :)

Misty said...

Glad to hear that you and your crew had a bit of was SUPER nice here in my neck of the woods also!!! ITA...bring on the spring:) Anywho, I am lovin' me some of the new BG nowadays so I sure do hope I can get my hands on it ;) Thanks again and have a GREAT day!!!

Leslee said...

Valentines Day is so fun. Unfortunately I will be working a 12 hour shift in our local NICU. And too boot my husband is away across the ocean, where he has been working the last 4 weeks. But I have been a good mum and baked sugar cookies to send to my daughter at college and also collected her a few goodies. My Valentine cards to family have been sent. And my bags of goodies for my grandbabies are ready to give them. My valentine wreath is hanging outside and the clings are on my door.

Debi said...

We are taking all our kids to a Utah Jazz game. Pricey for all of us but very fun!

Cecile said...

We always get the Krispy Kreme Doughnuts that are heart shaped.
I love both of the lines they are jusy awesome:)
Happy Valentine's Day♥

wendipooh13 said...

oh my gosh talk about some super fun and yummy goodies!!!!! very cool...
Vday ideas- make an elegent dinner and get a sitter... fresh flowers for the house.. or maybe just rent a lovey dove movie and pick up some fun desserts!!! good luck!!

Rona said...

Great kits!! Our snow is finally melting and most people in the area have their electricity back on so February is looking better! My daughter's birthday is Valentine's day so we have to celebrate both on the same day (good thing she loves pink!) I don't have any great tips for you. I always loved making something really special for all her classmates on Valentine's day and going to her party at school to make the day even more special for her. She's 20 this year :( ~~~but I have hope (she is in her second year of college majoring in elementary education so I can see homemade valentines for lots of little 2nd graders in my future again soon :)!!!

Anonymous said...

My Valentine will be out of town with his "true love" - GOLF! We celebrated early..the gift he gave me was to spend his Sunday helping me clean house. He also gave me a card with two frogs that says "I'll love you 'til I croak". Not too high on the "romantic" list, but definitely a gift of his love. So, my valentine tip is to give whatever it is of yourself that shows your Valentine your love, even if it's not chocolate and flowers.

Anonymous said...

you are so fabulous! i love valentines! i just visited a blog with some great ideas for is to re-package valentine candy to make it your own..heart peeps in a cello bag with a paper doily in there and a great bow...then a papercrafted cute! another is to buy store bought goodies and cut them with a cookie cutter to make 'em cute (crispy bars, oreo cakesters, etc.) just some easy and fun things to do...
thank you!

Beth said...

We are going for the during the day date! It is tough for us to find a Valentine's night babysitter, especially because we tend to use college students who study the Special Education field because they tend to be so great with my son who has Autism. During the day for 4-5 husband and I can still do a movie and dinner, then spend the evening with goodies for our boys.

Anonymous said...

First I just have to comment on your layouts. I absolutely adore your scrapbooking style. The colors are so bright and vibrant and that little boy is just too cute.

Ok as for Valentines Day. We have a tradition that I started when my DD was 5 (she's now 21). I make Lasagna for dinner, served on a table decorated with a white table cloth with red heart confetti served by candlelight. Desert is usally something red as well. Last year it was Red Velvet cake. DD always helps decorate the entire house with homemade decorations and of course there are usually little treats as well. We don't do a whole lot but it is an evening that DH, DD and I have come to look forward to each year. She's even passed up dates with her boyfriend to stay home and celebrate with us.

Have a wonderful Valentines Day!

Nicole said...

We are making little pretzel treats for the entire family this year (both sides). We are just covering mini twist pretzels with chocolate and drizzling pink and red, or red and white over that, and bagging them up in some cute valentiney celop hane bags. Cheap, easy and everyone will enjoy the jesture. For my 4 boys I put gift filler in some red tins from the Target dollar spot and filled them with a variety of hurshey kisses (hugs and regular) and made a "Hugs and Kisses" tag to go on the handle. Have a great day.
Nicole M.

Stine66 said...

Last year I cut the beetroot and cucumber om my husbands lunch into hearts, so he saw it when all the kids at the police school ate lunch with him.(he is the teacher).

Anonymous said...

It's all about baking with me! Sweets for my SWEETS!! I'll bake some cupcakes and cookies and decorate with heart shaped sprinkles etc. and leave a note telling them (kids, husband, grandparents...we are next door to the grandparents) how much I appreciate and love them (some thing I should be telling them more often, I know I take a lot of things for granted). I would put the cupcakes and "love notes" in front of their (bedroom for the kids) door before they wake up in the morning. I also hand some of the sweets to our neighbours and the kids teachers..........gotta share the love!! ;)

Anonymous said...

My hubby and I write a love letter to each other on Valentine's Day instead of store bought cards, he's not Hallmark but so much more personal! For my kiddos I always make their Valentine's as well and they get heart shaped pancakes for breakfast. Oooops, my daughter wanted me to add that the pancakes have chocolate chips, whip cream and chocolate sauce! Yummy!!

Beth said...

An easy valentine project - make lollipop valentine covers. I've got an example on my blog.

Anonymous said...

special valentine cookies hand delivered by Me-Mom to my boys at college. A little taste of home really makes them feel loved, the appreciation so worth the drive!!!!

Sarah Mullanix said...

I always love making my kids food into heart shapes. Lets see, I've cute pb&j's into hearts (which they like the crust cut off anyway), pancakes cut into hearts, and this year I think I will bake cinnamon rolls but mold the dough into heart shapes before I bake them. It's something very basic and easy, but the kids really LOVE IT and will probably always remember.


Amanda Muirhead said...

What an awesome give away!!

We like to bake cupcakes and top them with homemade whip cream and then sprinkled with pretty heart sprinkles!

Leah said...

heart shaped cookies, kids crafts, mosaic heart (with paper scraps!) heart shaped foods, sandwiches etc.

Anonymous said...

Several years ago I purchased Heart shaped plates and matching mugs with LOVE napkins and placemats.... we use them every year for Valentines. It just makes all 3 meals special. There is always some chocolate surprises set on the table as well - oh, yes, fresh flowers.

Kristin said...

I think I *need* both Porcelein and Lime Rickey! ;) For Vday, I like to make a paper chain as a way to count down the days. A paper chain advent of sorts, if you will. And what kid doesn't like making (and tearing off a link every day)? Fun colors like red, pink, white and aqua together.

Anonymous said...

BG has done it again....such gorgeous papers and embellies. You so can't go wrong with BG. :) For V-day, I am making my DH a coupon book using the Bittersweet line. I am making the coupons so that I can add photos to the backside for a forever keepsake. They are the ABC's of love coupons and fit inside an altered BG lunchbox tin. In the end, I will have a great mini-book (tin) of my DH and our relatiionship. Thanks for always sharing your great ideas with us! Melinda

Rachel Carlson said...

hi sweet girl, hope you are finally enjoying some sunshine!

my friend/digital dt mate/designer of BG paper celeste has an awesome idea on her bloggy, paper fortune cookies! she used her new digital kit "rapture" to make them with - i'm giving away some digital purse money on my bloggy. you can make fortunes or like love coupons - 'good for a walk in the park' etc. here's some linkage for the fortune cookies:

xoxo, rach

Anonymous said...

My almost 2-year old twins will be making flower pots filled with "hand" flowers for their Daddy. Making handprints, cutting them out and blinging them up & putting them on small dowels. Then baking some chocolate lovecakes for a fun dessert.

PamSpradlin said...

My husband and I do coupon books...but they can't contain anything from the previous year. It is fun trying to come up with new and original ideas.

Kelli said...

I don't do much decorating, but we do draw names for Valentines. I put my hubby's, kids' and my name in a hat and we each pick a name and have to get a Valentine's gift for that person. I'm hoping that it makes the kids appreciate eachother and that you don't have to have a significant other to celebrate the day. Unfortunately, we all usually end up with $10 in candy.

Anonymous said...

I too love the BG, especially after seeing what you do witht he papers.. For V day I swiped my hubbys Ipod, and downloaded some love songs that make me think of our relationship and our life together with our boys. Some funny, some lovey etc. He won't know until he turns it on..

dianesanchez said...

I love the porcelain so much!!!! We usually have a nice steak dinner at home as my husband is a great cook. Thanks !!!!!

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