Monday, February 02, 2009

More BasicGrey from CHAW09!

Ahhhh! Can you hear the angels singing?? My internet is back up and running, the kiddos are all back in school after a week of snow days, and I have my McD's diet coke right next to me. All is right with the world! (We won't discuss the Groundhog incident and the more winter thing...we're focusing on the positive! :))

Since I failed miserably at posting more projects from BasicGrey's Winter Collection the other day, I'm going to try and fix that abundance. AND I might even say that perhaps...a little later in the week...I might have a giveaway of some of that goodness from the show. Not confirming or denying here, just perhaps, so you might want to keep checking back this week! ;)




And Finally some PORCELAIN:

I hoped that helped get your creative juices flowing and that you'll check back later in the week for some blog candy - rumor has it it's a little Porcelain and Lime Rickey... just sayin'!



stephanie howell said...

they are absolutely beautiful, and they were even more beautiful in person. i think i need all of the porcelain!!

Jennifer said...

Gorgeous as always!

Anonymous said...

Kelly, these are all amazing! I have not seen a SINGLE layout of yours yet that I haven't loved. You don't even want to know how many of the BG product packs I bought after seeing your layouts LOL. BG is pretty much the only paper I actually buy anymore!

Melanie said...

GORGEOUS!! Absolutely stunning! I will so be checking back for some blog candy!

Anonymous said...

Wow - what a great bunch of projects to showcase these gorgeous new lines. I am especially loving the Wisteria...such yummy colours. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

You're such an inspiration. I just got done scrapbooking our Christmas vacation abroad and I think I used about 150 pictures from the trip (this was not close to all the pictures) so needless to say this turned out to be lots of pages. I used only BG papers for this project, including sugared, urban prairie, wassail, boxer, sultry, and offbeat. I would have loved some of the newer lines, but alas! I have to thank you for all the inspiration. I'm ususally a hoarder, too scared to cut up my papers, because I'm never sure the pictures are "worthy" but I can't say I regret the scissors or trimmers touching my papers this time. Love your latest pages. I can't wait to use them. Question...Lime Rickey seems really bright and neon - is it hard to use?

Anonymous said...

Just gorgeous, Kelly!

Anonymous said...

Have you checked out Suzy P's blog lately? You're front and center on her blog.

debbiec said...

kelly, you are always so inspiring. i love coming to visit youor blog. beautiful!

Anonymous said...

beautiful, Kelly! I especially love Mont st. Michel. I've always wanted to visit it!

Kirsten said...

Stunning work Kellie - the twins LO is my favourite, but realy I love them all!! Can't wait to get some of the new BG, especially Marakech as I collect elephants :)

Anonymous said...

Absolutely gorgeous! It is great to see your work again!

MelB said...

Kelly, what a beautiful production!!! You are an inspiration, I am truly in love with each lo, they must have looked great in the BG booth at CHA.

Cynthia Baldwin said...

Gorgeous LOs - and gorgeous BG - can't wait for more! :)

Jes said...

All of your new LO's are absolutely stunning!!I think I am most in love with the new Lime Rickey, but I would have to say I will take them all!! LOL!! Thanks again for the fab inspriation!! --Jes--

Anonymous said...

It was so great to see them IRL :) Love ya sistah.

Melanie said...

Wow! What fabulous LO! I love the bright colors of Lime Rickey. And the softness of Porcelain! You have such a great way of showcasing your photos on the layouts while combining so many different elements together. Love it!

Jenny B in Indy said...

Love them!!
As a Mama to a little guy, I always turn to you for inspiration.. Your boy layouts ROCK! (well, they ALL do).

I just got my internet back today as well.. After 3.5 days of not having it, I was going MAD!
(but I'm up in Indy .. mine was caused by snow or something..)
Anyway, great layouts. Love them!

Anonymous said...

your layouts are all so beautiful! I love them all!
As a mom of two boys and a girl, I am especially loving the colors and patterns of Lime Rickey and can't wait to get my hands on some of it!

Jen said...

ohhhhhh Love them all! Need to head to my local scrapbook store and see if they are getting those papers in soon!

AmyInKy said...

I was without POWER for 7 days and it is so nice to finally be back in modern times! I love all of your layouts, but especially the ones with Lime Rickey (I have two boys!). Keep up the great work. ;)

Anonymous said...

what so wonderful layouts i adore all of them
kisses of France

Marilyn Nimmo said...

What beautiful layouts - amazing. Wonderful inspiration. Thank you!

Unknown said...

So lovely! I just can't wait to see it all in person! Great LOs! Every single one!

Rachel Carlson said...

as always, BRILLIANT! xoxo, rachel

Anonymous said...

I'm so in love with the Lime Rickey. I think all of the Basic Grey papers are gorgeous!


Susannah said...
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Susannah said...

I LOVE the lime rickey! Your creations are fantastic and always inspire me ;0)

Anonymous said...

Those are beautiful. I SO love the Porcelain! I have to agree with the previous poster -- I buy the BG packs based on your gorgeous layouts.

Anonymous said...

Stunning layouts. I can't wait the new Basic Grey into my hands.

Ann said...

Kelly, I've gotta know... are the new releases going to be at Michael's this time around???

Gorgeous LO's!! Love them as always!!

cass said...

hi kelly,
it was great to see you at the show...and it's always so much fun to see erin's pics popping up :) not that i'm a proud granma or anything like that

fran h said...

The papers are all gorgeous but I really love the porcelain!
Thanks for all the fun layout inspiration. Hope you have a great end of your week.

Unknown said...

Kelly, I could just stare at your pages for hours!!!! These are just gorgeous!!

AnnaMarie said...

The new lines are gorgeous, but man oh man what you create with them makes them bigger sellers! GORGEOUS LO's - I'm so excited about Lime Rickey for my little guy especially! :)

Sue Bullough Burningham said...

After checking out the new lines by BG I loved all but Porceline, but after seeing the layout you made with it I have changed my mind. I love it and I can't wait to try myself! You really are talented Kelly!

Jennifer Davis said...

That Wisteria Collection is just calling my name, absolutely beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow! I love the Lime Rickey collection, and the second LO you posted with that line is fabUlous. I hope you don't mind if I lift the design... no worries, I'll give you full credit when I share it online. I am soooooo in love with that design and the way you did your journalling.