Ethan - first day of kindergarten & the last day of 5th grade
Please indulge me just a bit as I share this proud mama moment with you. Friday marked a huge milestone for my oldest - he graduated from 5th grade and elementary school. It was an emotional day for all of us - for me because my baby is growing up way too fast and for him because half his class will be going to a different school and it was their last day all together. I expected the girls and mamas to cry, but completely wasn't prepared for seeing all our big guys sharing their tears. It was almost more than I could take.

Congratulations, Ethan! Have a wonderful summer break. We love & are incredibly proud of you!
(E & a few of his football buddies. Over here boys - the camera's over here! ;))
Congrats to your handsome eldest son. :)
My son just finished his 6th grade year, and I was the same way as you last year when he finished elem. school. But you know what? He LOVED 6th grade and had an awesome year!
I wish the same for your boys. Hope you all have a wonderful summer break!
Wow, Congratulations, Ethan!!! Way to go with all the awards!!! I know how you feel, Kelly!! My middle is just finishing up 7th grade. Next year will be her last year of middle school and then on to high school. My baby is starting preschool this fall!!! Then onto kindergarten the year after! I can't believe how fast these kids grow up!!! They really need to slow down!!!
Ethan congratulations, you sure have made your mum and dad proud. Have lots of fun in your break.
Linda in Aus
Aw. Big day for Ethan! (And you.) Tell him congratulations!
aw, Kelly, that is the sweetest!! You are one proud Mama! Congratulations and good luck to him! I totally agree with you on how emotional we can get as we watch our boys grow. Sometimes I just stare at my oldest son (age 10) and can still see the little tiny boy he once was. Then the eyes begin to water, the throat tightens.....yup
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