I am completely in love with fall and the glorious changes of color, the falling leaves, football, pumpkins, Halloween, apple picking, just everything! (Ok, everything except the allergies that come along with it - ick!) I can't wait to head to our local apple orchard this weekend for some yummy apples & cider. (Jonagolds are my favorites!)
Anyhow to celebrate the arrival of fall and the month of Halloween (also my favorite holiday - perhaps because my birthday is only 2 days later ;)) I decided to have a HUGE giveaway. Check out the amazing collection of BasicGrey's EERIE line! Holy cow! There is a collection pack, rub-ons galore, bling and more bling, buttons, brads and then some all going to one lucky winner.
SO - here's what you have to do. Just leave me a comment between now and Friday, October 1st at midnight (11:59 pm eastern) with what you love most about fall and this package could be yours!!
Have a wonderful Thursday!
Growing up in FL, I never experienced the season of fall...since marrying the military, it has been really neat to see what all the hoopla was about ;)
For me though, fall means my favorite time of the year because it is the start of FOOTBALL season and for me that ROCKS!!
i love late fall. it starts to cool down and get crisp. early fall is hot hot hot. also, the honey crisp and johnathan apples are just delish!
OoooOO, let's hope I'm the lucky winner as I just LOVE this Eerie collection!
I love the fall up here in Michigan for the beautiful changing leaves, visiting the cider mill (which we did two weekends ago already) and just all the fun festivals going on around here.
I love fall with the changing colors and the cooler weather. It means Halloween and Thanksgving and the excitement of celebrating.
The best thing that I love about fall, besides the changing of leaves, Halloween and Thanksgiving is being able to wear my Snuggie and slippers (Leopard print) and look good doing so (must make sure to make a scrapbook page about it)
Happy Fall Ya'll!!!
2nd vote for Fall in Michigan! Apple PIcking, making applesauce and football!! THE BEST!
The things I love most about fall are the leaves changing colors, football and cool, crisp mornings. Oh, and my birthday and anniversary too :D
I love pumpkin flavored everything....bread, muffins, concretes....my most favorite time of the year too!
I love that it's cooler. The colors. Kids back in school. We get to celebrate mine, my daughter's and my husband's bday. Family gatherings. That's what I love about fall.
Love those papers. So fun to make a Halloween mini book with that line.
Awesome giveaway, Kelly!
Hmmm, love the change in color from summer, love Halloween costumes and candy, and especially love stuffing myself at Thanksgiving.
I love the changing colors, the cooler temps and watching my kiddo play in the leaves! Thanks for the great giveaway! Happy Fall!
I love absolutely everything about fall, October and Halloween. Sweaters, vests, pumpkin-flavored everything, apple cider, the beautiful colors....EVERYTHING!!
My favorite thing about autumn, of which there are many, is the changing of the leaves. I am a leaf person! I go throughout the neighborhood picking up colored leaves to decorate my home, even saving some of my favorites from year to year!
Fall is my favorite time of year for numerous reasons. Crisp air beautiful colors that I love to photograph. Football. feastivals and the start of all the holiday celebrations. But most of all it reminds me of my grandmother house. Seems the smell of baking all through her house always gave me that warm feeling of comfort and family. Love the fall bring it on!
Since Fall is my favorite season, there is so much that I LOVE, but my favorite Fall things are the colors, the crispness in the air, bringing out the sweaters to wear, and pumpkin scented candles.
J'aime beaucoup la période Halloween, les couleurs de l'automne et cette collection Eerie est tout simplement magnifique
The best part about fall is the cool weather and cozy fires! Thanks.
I love the warm colors of the leaves, wearing cute sweaters and the cooler nights.
Fall is my favorite season!
I love hiking in the fall and checking out the pretty leaves. Also LOVE the dry air!! My hair does so much better in the fall!
What isn't there to love about fall? The vibrant colors, the cider mills with freshly made warm donuts, and of course football!! I love the woolies and BG has outdone themselves with this halloween line. thanks!
I have several things I love about autumn, however my favorite is the falling leaves. The colors, the sound they make as you walk through them, watching them dance to the ground... For me, it's definitely the leaves!
Wow, that's amazing!!! My favorite part of Fall is the leaves changing colors. I live in the mountains and it gets to be absolutely beautiful here!! :) Thanks for the chance to win!
- April W
Love fall!!! I love the crisp air, leaves falling and all the colors of fall! It is my favorite time of the year!
What don't I love??? It's the most magical season of all. And growing up in Los Angeles I never truly appreciated it!!! Now in Tennesse, I can't get enough! Leaves, cool air, sweaters, blankets with the windows open. Heaven!!!!
I love the cooler weather and spending time outdoors.
Kinda weird saying this - but I actually don't mind my drive in to the office when it's fall. The leaves change to all kinds of colors, it makes my drive in more scenic! Great giveaway - I love Basic Grey - and to have a Halloween theme!! Too much fun!
Wow, that is indeed a huge give-away! My favourite thing about fall is snuggling up with tea and the colours outside :) Thanks so much and best wishes from windy Germany ;)
What's NOT to love? I think mostly is the cool crisp air.
The colors! Love the colors as the leaves change.
Fall is my favorite time of year for numerous reasons. Crisp air beautiful colors that I love to photograph. Football. feastivals and the start of all the holiday celebrations. But most of all it reminds me of my grandmother house. Seems the smell of baking all through her house always gave me that warm feeling of comfort and family. Love the fall bring it on!
Going to the pumpkin patch as a family. Spending the day trying to find the "perfect" pumpkins for everyone. I love the weather too!
Fall is my favorite season. I love the fall colors, the cool, crisp air, the sunshine, and the football. I just got back from a trip to see the beautiful golden aspens in Aspen, CO. I think I'm going to have to make it a yearly tradition!
I love the weather!! I love the cool mornings and warm sunny afternoons. One of the best times of year!
Great giveaway! Love picking apples and then coming up with fun things to make.
Oh my what fabulousness! I love the bling it and the woolies the best! Then I love everything else
2nd best! lol Grace
I love that first nippiness in the air.. it's when I get an urge to go buy yarn and knit new wool socks :)
I love this line! gorgeous! love the colors
Fall is my favorite!! And I love the Eerie line. Thanks for the chance.
Fall is my utmost favorite season. It brings rich colors and tepid days that warm my heart. We do more family fun events like baking apple pies at the orchards, pumpkin patches, making Halloween costumes, and of course the wonderful textures, smells and delicious eats and treats of Thanksgiving! Which is comfort food at it's finest. It is the beginning of most heartwarming time of the year and it leads into my second favorite season... winter.
I love Fall! Growing up in Northern Michigan, we always had an early Fall (Mid August some years, haha!) and I just loved the colors the trees would be. Then I went to college in Texas and we never got a proper fall. One day (usually after Thanksgiving) we would wake up and the leaves would have turned brown and fallen off the trees. My husband and I recently relocated to Virginia Beach, so I am very excited to experience a real fall (hopefully soon! It's starting to cool off a little!)
I love mini pumpkins! I buy a few and decorate my house with them. They're so cute!
I love Fall, the pretty colors, the cool breeze, even the rainy days that allow hours of crafting time. My favorite thing about fall, however, is Halloween... I love this holiday.
Fall is definitely my favorite season! Living in the mountains though, we don't have too many deciduous trees so I miss the colors of the maple trees from back home. I do love the twinkle of the frost on the grass in the morning though. So crisp and refreshing!
What do I love about the Fall? The cool crisp mornings, the smell of apple cider, and of course all the beautiful colors! What a great giveaway!
Holy cow is right! I love the cooler weather and fun fall activities: bonfires, pumpkin patch, apple picking, etc. Such wonderful photo ops!
There are so many things about fall that I love, the changing colors, the cool days, hayrides, pumpkin farms, and of course halloween !!
that little ghost is the cutest!
I love the colors of the leaves in Fall and the beginning of official sweater weather!
There are many things I like about fall. 1st would be my birthday is 3 days before Halloween. I love the cooler weather and the falling leaves.
I love all of the beautiful colors that fill the trees - I also love going to fall festivals and picking out our pumpkins :) There's not much about fall that I don't love. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
What an amazing giveaway! I love cooler weather in the fall-so I can get out and see the changing tree colors! :-) Thanks so much for the chance to win!
What isn't to love about Fall? The smell of the leaves as you kick the piles on your walks under huge oak trees; the smell of fresh baked apple pie tickling your nose as you walk into your grandma's house; the boldest of colors screaming for attention at every angle and the cool, crisp air, energizing me, calling me, like the quick "snap" you hear when breaking a twig in half! Ah, fall, how I love thee...I'll let you bask in my ode.
I love the cooler air, the leaves changing color, and best of all it's College Football Season- my absolute favorite thing about the fall!
I love when the days are still warm but the nights are cool and crisp!! thanks for the chance at this amazing givaway!!
My favorite thing about fall: apple picking :) Lots of fun photo opportunities :) and delicious apples to boot!
I love the cool weather. It's not too hot and not too cold. I love to take walks in the park with the kids and hear the crunching of the fallen leaves.....Ahhhh....yes. Fall is my season :)
I love fall. I love going to Vermont, in the mountains, and see the jaw-dropping scenery!!!
Thanks kel!!
I love fall, cooler weather, football, sweaters and boots! What is not to love.
Fall-what's not to love; the colors, the smells, the holidays, the clothes, Huber's! I agree about the allergies- I live in Louisville. Fall has always been my favorite season.
Oh goodness...what an amazing give away! It's just packed with the most amazing stuff. I absolutely love fall too. It's so beautiful to see the seasons change: the landscape becomes yellow, orange and brown and everything is covered with beautiful leaves...it's always a great time to take some wonderful pictures!
I love the crisp cold air in Fall and the neon orange maple in my front yard. In about a week, our world will be neon orange and red here in New England! Love it and never grow tired of it.
Blue skies, low sun and bright red and orange leaves. A perfect setting.
ahhhh...beautiful collection of goodies!
I love the crisp fall air, the smell of harvest candles, the walks through crunchy leaves and pumpkin anything. yummmmm
What I love MOST about Fall, being from Texas, is the COOLER WEATHER! I love the smell of fires in fireplaces when you are outside. I love not melting everytime I get in my car! and on the rare occasion that we get color changes, I love the leaves changing colors!
I love the photo oportunities in the fall. The colors are so beautiful. I also love Halloween. It is the funnest holiday for the kids.
We love halloween in our house, the pumpkins, getting dressed up and decorating - can't wait!
The pretty colors on the trees.
I have always loved the fall! The changing leaves, the beautiful colors, the crisp air, all seem to make me appreciate the warmth of my family more and more.
LOVE fall....love the foods it makes me wanna create....love the crisp morning walks! Who doesn't love fall! And halloween is just the icing on the fantastic season!
Hi Kelly! Well I am a Halloween nut so fall to me means getting to decorate the house with all the fun fall and Halloween decor. Which I honestly think makes our house look amazing. Oh and a good apple pie about this time of year...is a pretty yummy thought too! Thanks!!
Living in Chicago fall means pulling out those warm sweaters, drinking hot cocoa and warm cider and trick or treating with my kids bundled up in coats so that you can't even tell what their costumes are! Hehehe
oooh I LOVE the eerie line! My favorite thing about fall is that it finally starts to cool off here in California!
I miss being in KY for the fall! It isn't as beautiful here in LA. My favorite thing about fall is making warm & hearty foods!
I love when it cools enough here in Florida to open the windows and light my autumn candles. Mmmm the smell of pumpkin :-) PURE happiness!
Im a real fall-fan and so i like the colors very very much, i think its a really wonderfull change to win such beautifull paper!!!! keeping my fingers crossed
My favorite thing about fall is the leaves changing and being able to wear sweaters, but not needing a coat. It's a great time of year.
Thanks for a chance at the Halloween goodness!
LOVE the Errie collection. One of my personal favs! I'd love to win :)
Fall is my favorite season. It's like a long festival leading up to my favorite holiday: Christmas! I love the colors of the trees, spice tea, cosy wool plaids, scented candle lights, good books, fresh apples and crisp air. Yes, fall is like poetry! Just relax and enjoy it. :)
I don't even know where to start!! I love fall so much that i surround myslef with it all year. My kitchen theme is apples and my living room is all fall colors and i have pumpkins that stay out year round. I love homecoming and football and Halloween is my FAVORITE holiday. Halloween scrapbook supplies are also my FAVORITE! ;o)
Well, Fall in LA has meant temps of 113 this week... So, Fall always has me missing the east coast. I loved picking apples and pumpkins in NJ, particularly pumpkins that were actually on a vine. In LA, they "stage" pumpkin patches in vacant lots that will house Christmas tree farms in a couple of months... It's all very Hollywood :).
APPLE BUTTER. Yes those two words mean fall to me. There is an apple butter festival held every October near my house. They even have apple brats. Delicious. And of course all of the great photos that I take with the fall foilage. thanks for the very GENEROUS giveaway. You are the best!!
I love carving pumpkins, pumpkin pie, pumpkin cookies, pumpkin bread and pumpkin brownies ;)
I love the cooler weather and the smell of the autumn air, with or without the burning leaves. I love the way the leaves change colors and then slowly fall to the ground. There is so much about autumn that makes me think of God and Heaven.
What isn't to love about fall? The only thing to not like about fall is that winter comes after it. I love the cooler temperatures, the leaves changing, pumpkin spice lattes, and most of all, visiting the cider mills.
Thank you for the opportunity to win such an awesome giveaway! You are too sweet!
I love everything about fall (except the shorter amount of daylight). I love the pumpkin patches, fall colors, apples, harvest festivals, and Halloween.
Fall is my favorite season! What a great giveaway!
Autumn is my FAVORITE season. I love the colors on the trees, the crisp air, the frost on the grass in the mornings, pumpkins, Halloween, Thanksgiving, my birthday, etc.
What is NOT to love???
I love Halloween! Dressing up, carving pumpkins, eating lots of candy... who wouldn't love it!
I LOVE fall... going driving in the canyon to see the leaves change, wearing sweaters, and going to pumpkin patches!!! Halloween is my fave holiday!!! just LOVE fall
the smell of green chili being roasted - it is to die for! Yes, I live in NM and put green chili on everything!
Sweater weather, the changing colors, pumpkin chocolate chip muffins, apples, cider, hay rides, picking pumpkins at the patch, scarecrows, corn shocks, candy corn, farmers' markets, and trick-or-treaters. So many reasons why fall is my favorite season of all!
K in PA
I LOVE fall!! The cooler weather, changing of the leaves, watching the leaves fall and the kids playing in them, going to the pumpking patch, decorating for Halloween and my birthday is also in the Fall so you gotta love that!
I do hope I win this awesome package!!
One of the best things about fall for me is hearing the giggles of my two boys playing in a pile of crunchy leaves!
And the Cincinnati Reds' success!
It my favorites time too.
Congrat for your blog
In AZ we actually get some decent weather in the Fall and we can get outside with the kids and play--no more hibernating inside to escape the heat--I love that!
thanks for the chance to win that fabulous prize package!
:) rebecca keppel
I love the start of cooler weather which means winter can't be far behind.
Fall is my most favorite season! I love the cooler weather, I love the apples and pumpkins. I love baking and eating so many yummy treats. I love that my kids can play outside. I love fall craft projects. My birthday happens to be in 10 days- another reason why I love fall. But, the number 1 thing about fall I love is Halloween. It is such a fun holiday. With 4 kids under the age of 7, Halloween treats and craft projects are huge in our house! I would love to win this collection. The kids and I could make so many cute things!!
I love the cool crisp morning air, cheering for my daughter at her soccer games, green summer trees changing to reds, golds and oranges, burning apple cider and pumpkin spice candles, eating apple pie, apple crisp, apple anything, wearing cozier clothes, following my college football team (even if they stink :)), following the Playoffs and the World Series even if it is just to root AGAINST the Yankees and creating with my Indian Summer and Eerie collections. What's not to love???
Fall is my favorite time of the year. the colors are all so beautiful and the temperatures are prefect.
I love the breeze and the colours of fall, the sound of the falling leaves blown by the wind
I love all the beautiful new scrapbook products that are coming out at this time of year of course!
I love the smell of the fallen leaves, apples and the most I love is Halloween and the horror movie marathons!
I love that both my son and my daughter have birthdays within days of Halloween and that they feel like the house is being decorated, pumpkins carved, and large quantities of candy purchased all in their honor :)
What an awesome give-away! I've had my eye on the Eerie collection for sometime but it's hard to find at my LSS. For me I think I can say Diddo for all the things you said about loving fall, except my birthday is in January :) The one thing I think you missed but that you will agree is the smell of leaves. I just love it! Thanks for the chance to win!
Living in Hawaii we don't have a big change in seasons. It does start the season of family birthdays - 15 in Oct & Nov -- and of course the countdown to Christmas when I travel to the mainland to visit family!!
Thanks for the giveaway.
I love the TREES!! I can't get enough of the turning leaves. Here in Canada the leaves are dropping and are gone so quickly - I'm trying to enjoy every second.
I also love making costumes for Halloween!
I love that the heat is finally turning down a bit!
My favorite thing about Fall is Halloween! There's something about dressing up and carving pumpkins... it just totally rocks!
I love the autumn months, The clear sky, the cold just setting in and the colours on the trees are just spectacular! Seeing my kids having fun kicking the fallen leaves is just the best thing!
Fall is my favorite time of year. I love the crispness in the air, camping, wearing sweaters, etc. It's so hot here in the summer that we can't enjoy the outdoors much, but we live outdoors in the fall doing lots of family activities.
Fall is my absolute favorite season by far...I love the "sweater weather", football games, and all the great color changes.
As you know, I just made the move from FL to OH. This is gonna be my first fall in over 20 years! I'm LOVING every single moment. The very first leaf I saw on the ground, I had to take a photo of and post of my facebook page. Granted, it's a horrible picture since I had to take it with my cell phone. And all my FB friends tried to tell me I was mistaken and it really wasn't a leaf but actually a rubber chicken. Anyways... where was I going with this comment? Oh yeah! I love fall too! :)
I am a fellow Fall Birthday girl, too! I love the cool weather and the chance to wear sweaters. Fall just screams comfy and cozy to me! Happy Fall!
Oh man!! Hands down, fall is my favorite, especially since we have moved somewhere where fall is crisp and evident everywhere!! And who can resist dressing the kiddoes for Halloween. I just love it all; the weather, the costumes, the colors... OK... and the candy too!!
There are many things I love about fall, but at the top of the list is the change in weather here in south Texas. "Fall" weather doesn't truly arrive (and stay) until the end of October, but the cooler temps and lower humidity are such a relief for this I-spent-the-summer-heat-indoors type of girl!
Thanks so much for the chance to win this awesome prize package!!
My favorite thing about fall is going to the apple orchard. Picking apples, and then going home and baking pies!
Lori R
I love going to the pumpkin patch and watching scary movies.
What I love most about fall is the colors and the light!!! I was born in Michigan, so the love of fall colors is in my blood. However, growing up in Montana, the only trees that really changed were the aspens and it just wasn't the same. Now I live in NW Washington and I get to enjoy the gorgeous fall colors again!
I love the changing colours of the leaves, the crisp weather and of course Starbuck's Pumpkin Latte's ;)
Oh my what a fabulous giveaway! Thanks for the chance. I LOVE halloween :-)
I love baking new recipes with my kiddos and adding to my Halloween decor every year. It's also my fave holiday so every year I buy more and more to spruce up my home. Thanks for the chance to win! Happy Fall!
The best thing about Fall, is when the air gets "crisp". It's not cold, but not warm either. Perfect time for spiced cider!
I love the smell of bonfires/burning leaves.
Unfortunately, unless we get some rain around here SOON, no one in Central Indiana is going to get to burn anything this Fall. We are under a burn ban because of a drought :(
My next favorite thing is definitely the cool, crisp air :)
I love Eerie, thanks for the chance to win! :)
What DON'T I love about Fall?! It's my very favorite...from the colors to the cooler temps...from school starting to cozier nights. Sigh...I love it. I just wish it would arrive here in California!
I'm a Kentucky girl also! Fall is one of my favorite seasons. I know this will be my last Fall with my wonderful Grandmother (83). Fall this year..is a time for reflection and making a few more memories. Helping my children once again, bake Granny's special pumpkin bread & cookies...our Fall tradition.
Gotta love fall! Cool crisp air. Such glorious colors. Decorating for the holidays...
GREAT give-away!!! Hope I win!!!
...My favorite time of the year!!! Love the cooler weather, Halloween and they say october has the most beautiful moon!!!
Thanks for the chance to win!!!
I love fall! I love to go pick apples, decorate pumpkins, and I love to put on my sweaters! Thanks for this great giveaway!
I'm not sure I could pick just one thing that I love about fall - I love the cooler weather and the smell of fallen leaves, going apple picking and making an apple pie, going pumpkin picking, watching college football. I love all of it!
Fall is also my FAVORITE time of the year.. I couldn't wait until 9/23 (the first day) to add my Fall decorations outside.. I LOCE the cool air, the colors... the start of spending more time with family... I LOVE it!
The cooler weather, the holidays and the colors. I adore it all!
Halloween is one of my favorite holidays! We celebrate the 13 days of Halloween every year. As you can imagine, I have a lot of Halloween pictures.
oh my!! what a fantastic giveaway!!! what i love most about fall is the changing of colours on the leaves. Also,I'm hoping to take the kids this year to their first pumpkin patch.
I LOVE fall and so much about it...the colors, the crisp air, the temperatures cool enough to open all the windows, the pumpkins and apples.
what an awesome prize pack! I love fall for the changing colors and the crisp weather!
My favorite part is actually Thanksgiving & Halloween (I love holidays!)
What a spooky, fabulous treat. I love BG and anything pumpkin flavored, coffee creamer, cookies, bread etc. Thanks for the chance to win this lovely treat..
Pumpkin pie! The best of this season ;)
I love the crisp snap in the air when the weather starts to change. (And the smell of burning leaf piles!)
I love the fall colors and cool temperatures!
Halloween. My Favorite Holiday as well. My brother's birthday, I teach kindergarten and it is like the best day on earth for 5 year olds.
My favorite thing about fall is the food: pumpkin pie, stew, apple cider, etc. So much good stuff!!!
I love oCtober too, love the colors and smells and I even have my hubby and baby's birthday then too!! Would love to win this collection, some of my favorite!!
Always loved Halloween stuff and the holiday in general perhaps because my birthday is 3 days before...and it's just so much fun!!!!
Thanks Kelly!!!!
I love to bake and it cools down just enough that I can warm up the oven without over heating the whole house. I also love the cool crisp nights and pulling out my sweaters and the changing of the leaves.
I love fall because both of my boy's birthdays are in the fall.
Plus I get to eat lots of pumpkin goodies: pie, bread, roll, brownies :)
As a Souther California girl, I do not get to enjoy seasons, but some trees such as my front yard one does turn orange and goes through the changes!... and I enjoy the warm rainy weather we are enjoying today... I love the smell of the humid soil...
I love absolutely everything about fall....the color, the smell, the crisp air, the leaves falling all around, Halloween....EVERYTHING!!!
carmel apple with nuts !
Emotionally I like the change from one season to another. I hate to see the warm weather leave us (I live in MN) but in a way it is invigorating to know the cold, cold winter is ahead. Change and movement are good for us! Fall weather and those beautiful Fall colors for me are the brisk reminder of change coming.
What I like the best? ALL THE HOLIDAYS!!! and the food!!!!! LOL
i love the leaves on the ground that the kids can play in, the most awesome photo ops
First.....the weather! Wearing jeans again, anything pumpkin, the color, the holidays, making holiday crafts.....planning the holidays, you name it.
Can I say that when I hear that Fall has arrived means that it is Spring where I live (seeing as we call it Autumn not Fall)?
It also means time for us to scrap pages from our Autumn and these colours would be great.
The thing I love most about fall is the colour of the leaves and light. There is always a sense of fresh starts when September rolls around. Love it!
Awesome giveaway! THanks for the chance to win!
I love Fall. It's my fave season. The coolour temps, the brisk air, the colours - all of it! I love it!
Kelly, I love your blog, love your layouts and I LOVE this give away.
Love about fall: the smell of the air, the coolness and dampness.
Also love about fall: the BG Eerie line :D Listed it as my fave Halloween line EVAH at 2peas... Can't believe people are falling all over the new stuff, forgetting the old already...
I love the fresh air.....I love to visit the local corn maze and see if we can actually find all of the check points....I love the first day of wearing sweaters....
I'm originally from Southern California, when I moved to the East Coast I fell in love with Fall. My absolute favorite it the leaves changing colors, gorgeous!
Cooling air, breezes, wonderful food to go with cider and coffee. Anticipation of all the upcoming holiday activity and family times to share. Fall, starting in October is the best.
I love all the colorchanges in the leaves and hot chocolate!
hi, we don't celebrate halloween in holland. But we have creepy nights and more and more halloween enters our lives.
love suzan from holland
I have to say that I agree with you. I love everything about fall - pumpkin picking, apple picking, fall colors, fall smells, etc. The only two things I don't like is the rain and allergies that tag along. Thanks for the chance to win!
I love the way the shadows fall on the ground. Everything just looks fresh and clean. Plus, scarecrows and pumpkins are just wonderful to see too!
I love the crispness of the air in the fall!!! That is my favorite thing! Thanks for offering such a wonderful giveaway!
Happy B-day Kelly!!
I love the mums, pumpkins, cooler temperatures and going to the pumpkin patch!
See ya.
Lori in Lawrenceburg, KY
What an awesome giveaway!! I love being able to sit home on the weekends with a big blanket and having hot chocolate with my boys!
Ah...Fall. One of the things I love about it is hearing the leaves crackle under my shoes.
Ahhh... I love Fall! The crisp air is my favorite. :)
I´m here!! Pick me! :) /Pia
Hi Kelly - the thing I love most about Fall is the way the light hits things so differently. You can always tell Fall by the million twinkling stars that seem to be attached to the trees now. Hope you enjoy your Kentucky Fall!!
I have to say when this line came out last year, it was one of my favorite halloween lines. I love it. I was born in Seattle and was also raised in CA and I remember when fall was approaching, the leaves would change, you would see all the leaves on the ground and you would just want to jump in them and play. Now I live in Florida and we don't get much of fall here so sometimes I wish I was back home.
i love jumping with my kids in the leaves...
I just love the fall colors and the weather before winter arrives. It is a beautiful season...
I love that fall brings a cooler but still warm since I live in SoCal evening. Even here we do get some foliage color, but nothing compared to the east coast of course. Love the leaves, just not the raking! And Halloween is my favorite holiday to scrap. Thanks!
Sleeping with the windows open! Definitely my favorite part of Fall.
jeans, sweatshirts, and bonfires.
thanks for the chance to win!
I love fall because of the changing leaves and the cooler weather. It is definitely my favorite time of year.
I love the cool crisp feel in the air. Halloween is an absolute favorite too... love the pumpkins and the treats and the decorating with scary props!
Silly reason to love fall, but I simply love my chunky sweaters and dark colors in my closet.
We are stationed in Hawaii (I know paradise) but I do so miss the crisp days of fall and walking through the leaves.
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