Tuesday, August 08, 2006

1st Day of 1st Grade!!

A Day of Firsts....the first day of first grade came EARLY this morning! Ethan got up a bit reluctantly, but after a breakfast of waffles he was raring to go! I took him to school and walked him inside (of COURSE I did) and *thought* I would be taking him to his class. But apparently the school is trying a new system to "sort" the kids by teacher and how they were getting home, so it was a huge cattle call in the gym. I hated leaving him there on the bleachers, looking a bit unsure of himself. But he insisted he was fine and gave me the "getoutofherebefore
youkissedmeonemoretimemom" look. (Are any of you familiar with that look? ;)) Anyhow. He's there...all day....and it's very quiet here somehow even with the other two running around. And of course there's pictures. What kind of mom would I be if I didn't take pics? Hugs to all you moms with 1st day's today!


Anonymous said...

What a cutie pie! I don't even want to think about taking Caylin to school on the first day! I'll cry my eyes out, I'm sure, but I'll also be sure to take some pictures to scrapbook! ;)

Kimber McGray said...

awww... look at him.

andrew starts preschool this year. he is soooo looking forward to it.


Anonymous said...

oh my gosh I get that look DAILY!
so cute awwwwww. We did the school tennis shoe shopping last night. getting close :)

Great photos - such a cute smile he has.


Anonymous said...

He is so cute!!!

Unknown said...

Oh Kelly my friend!! Sending you big hugs!!!

Kailyn starts Gr.1 the beginning of Sept. too and I'm wondering how I handle her being gone all day as well.
My middle one is going to start pre-school for 2 afternoons a week so that will be another huge change.
Love your pictures!

Davinie Fiero said...

He looks ready to go Mommy. Nice work keeping the camera focused despite the tears and the shaking that must come from that first day and giant leap. :)

Anonymous said...

Aww, what a cutie! I'd have a hard time leaving him, too!

Anonymous said...

He is looking so grown up!
Hope he had a great day!
Max starts third grade in two weeks...I can't even believe it!


Anonymous said...

Ethan looks so cute, Kel!
First day for my boys, too...still cannot believe their summer's over already. I had my camera in tow, too. :)

Tracey Odachowski said...

Man you guys start so early! But I had no idea he was the same age as my son! Gabe starts 1st grade in just a few weeks...I wonder if I'll get the same look. hmmm. Oh, and congrats on the book! Looks FABULOUS!

Janet O. said...

Bubba's first day of first grade is...NEXT WEEK! WHEEEE!

(I don't know if you know the Jonah Veggie Tales movie, but that song is now going through my head..."it was the first day (clap) of the first grade (clap)" ROFL!!!

Anonymous said...

My "baby" started high school today. He was the cutest freshman EVER! Yes, I kissed him goodbye and he gave me that same look you got. Somethings never change! BTW, your little guy sure looked cute! Hugs, Sherry

Anonymous said...

Little cutie!
Our 1st day of 1st grade is in a few weeks and he is pretty excited. I know I am it means back to a ROUTINE!!! And maybe some scrappin...lol

Anonymous said...

he is such a cutie!!!