Saturday, August 12, 2006

Every Once in a While

Yes, they do sit still. And here's the proof. :)
Today we w
ent to the park and the boys were fascinated by a baseball team playing what I called a "grown up version" of bean bag toss. ;) It was interesting to watch and as I sat there looking, I saw this perfect opportunity to snap their picture...that rare, unforced, unposed shot. I was in heaven!

And Ethan after seeing me download it on the computer said, "Mama - that's a really good picture!" Hey, thanks, buddy!


Robyn W said...

Hi Kelly
i always pop by, but dont say Hi!, so HIIII!!
great pic of them it is !

Debbie said...

How sweet!!!! I have a real hard time getting our little Drew to hold still for a picture.

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh that photo!!!! you couldn't have asked for a better one. oh my heck that is awesome


Anonymous said...

omg!! i can't believe how perfect this pic is! they have the same expression!! :-)

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with Ethan, it is a really great picture! :)

Anonymous said...

Dude, this pic is AWESOME!!! Totally perfect.

Melissa said...

what a beautiful, awesome photo!!

Jana said...

Oh my world, what a priceless photo!!!!!

Missy said...

oh kel, that photo is PERFECTION!!
love it.

Anonymous said...

he was right! it's a gorgeous picture.....SO not posed.....SO real.....So perfect to capture!

I cannot believe how big these 3 dudes are getting Kelly! WOW!

Sharly said...

Kel baby :)
looooovin your blog baby cakes ... you need to email me so we can chat .. have you got my email addy?? If not let me know :)
Talk to you soon

Anonymous said...

My gosh..what an adorable picture. Look how into it they are! SO CUTE!

Anonymous said...

That IS an AWESOME photo! You can see the wheels turning, plus they just look so cute next to each other!

Anonymous said...

Hey girl!

So glad you sent me a link to your site. I will be visiting and keeping up with you!

Love your work. You are a true inspiration. Now if I could just bring myself to return to scrapbooking! :)

Congrats on the masters book! You deserve it.


Anonymous said...

Kelly....this almost makes me want a little boy! LOL! This is so sweet.