and then we lost it.
It was hard to tell who was more heartbroken, me or him. I loved him carrying around that ratty old frog - it was a such a sweet symbol of his babyhood and as he is my last baby, I cherished that as much as he did. I always meant to get a picture of him with that frog, but even though it was his constant companion the first year and 1/2 of his life, I think I have maybe one.
There's no telling how many frogs came and went from that time a year and a 1/2 ago til now. None could quite compare....that is until one day when Mama found favorite frog #2. This particular frog was a full stuffed frog unlike the other, yet it had the same floppy characteristics, the same softness. He loves to hold it by the eyes and feel the smooth glassy like surface beneath

Ribbit (I know it's an original name, eh? ;)) has seen his share abuse at the hands of my son. He's been kicked, thrown, hugged, puked on, stepped on, dropped - you name it, it's happened. But I can promise him this...if the daily kisses he also gets my little prince, he'll forever be real at this house.
Awwwww, those pictures are too sweet!!!
seriously... SO BEAUTIFUL!!!
Oh, he's such a sweetheart!!! HOw adorable!
Besides cracking up over the frog, I have to say...AWWWWWWWWW! What darling photos!
OH MY GOSH Kelly!! Those are the most adorable pictures!! What a little cutie! So sweet!!! :)
How sweet! My youngest has a Ty stuffed bull that he's carried around since he was a baby. He's now 8 and he STILL sleeps with it every night.....that bull has some serious mileage on it but I'm all for security & comfort items for kids!
This is the most adorable thing. Ever. Such cute photos, and you MUST use that journaling when you scrap those pics. So sweet.
HOW ADORABLE!! great pics Kelly! ~Dawn
Cuuuute pic! My son has the exact same frog and sleeps with it every night! He's never been interested in blankies, stuffed animals, etc. until this one... there's just something about this froggie!
How did I miss this before?? Totally cute, Kelly!!! : )
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