I don't know about you, but wow have we been crazy with the holiday prep around here. Now that the big day has just about arrived, we've been settling back a bit, baking some treats for Santa and eagerly anticipating Christmas morning. My parents are meeting us a little later this afternoon to take the boys to see
"The Chipmunk Movie" and then we'll spend some time opening a few presents and ultimately I imagine doing a little game playing. I'm really looking forward to the relaxed I (am I crazy thinking it'll be relaxed??!) evening and celebrating the true meaning of Christmas.
Here's hoping that Santa brings you all you wish for, that your holiday is spent with those you love and that 2008 is your best year yet.
Much Love,
Merry christmas - Harrysmum!
Merry Christmas Kelly!
Oh my word that is a cute picture!!! merry christmas
I hope you and your family had a wonderful and blessed Christmas. Here's wishing you a Happy and healthy New Year too! Looking forward to more of your inspiring creations!
Patti Hamil
mmmm. those cookies look so good!
i hope you had a beautiful day with your precious family.
Merry Christmas, Kelly! I just uploaded a ton of layouts that were either inspired by you or scraplifted from you into an online gallery. If you are interested in seeing them, please e-mail me and I can give you the link. I would have e-mailed you directly, but I didn't see your e-mail on the site!
Hi Steph! Your blogger acct. doesn't have your email attached either so I couldn't email you but I'd love to see your work - please feel free to email me at kelly.goree@gmail.com.
What an adorable picture. Hope you had your relaxed evening!! :)
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