Wow. Christmas is over. It comes and goes entirely too fast I think. But we really had a wonderful day and enjoyed ourselves this year - much more so than ever in the past. Perhaps it's because the boys are growing up yet the magic of Santa is still ever present or that we have our own traditions we've established and enjoy. In any case, I think I can safely say this was one of our best Christmases ever. I know Hoyte and I both thought so...and the boys too. They were completely overjoyed with what Santa and family gave them for Christmas, and
initially this was Turner's favorite gift. Ya gotta love Batman! I was a bit afraid it might be a little like
shades of Christmas past, but we survived getting only ONE costume somehow...perhaps it was because not long after Batman made his appearance, so did
Meet Fletcher! He's a chocolate and white lab/pointer mix that Santa rescued from the pound. He's the softest thing I've ever felt and oh-so-sweet (uh, except when he tries to use our arms as a chew toy!) He's the newest addition to our family and so far a very good boy ;) I joked with Hoyte that Santa must have lowered his bar on his BB&G list this year for him to be so generous to our clan! ;)
Hope your holiday was just as merry!
OMG Fletcher is just adorable. Glad you had a wonderful Christmas. Ours was great with a big gathering at my house this year (which went very well except for wine on my new tablecloth!) Luckily the wine was red and so was the tablecloth.
Looking forward to the new year and checking your blog more regularly. That is my new years resolution to start my own blog. No idea how to though.
(plus I want to do that curtain rod and clips thing you told me about)
congrats on that precious pup...and happy new year!!
I haven't been by to say "hi" for awhile... so "HI!!!" I really loved browsing through your pictures. It looks like everyone had a great Christmas/Christmas Season.
Merry Christmas!
Oh my gosh!! He is SOOO adorable!! And what a perfect name for him! (sorry about the overuse of exclamation marks here... but I can't help it. He's just too darn CUUUUUTE!!!!!!!!!) :^D Fletcher. Fletcher was a dog in a book I loved as a child. It was called, "How Fletcher Was Hatched." You'll have to get it for your kids. Old book... you'll have to get it on Ebay or something. LOL
What an adorable mix he is though. When things like that happen people see how cute they are and then start doing it on purpose and calling them things like Labointer and charging $750 for them. Or something. :^D
Hey Kelly, this is Carmen - your old Transy roommate! Your kids and Fletcher are absolutely adorable. I would love to catch up with you sometime. Happy New Year!
How exciting to hear from you! Unfortunately I can't email you from your blogger account (no email addy was attached), but please - feel free to email me at kelly.goree@gmail.com! I'd love to chat with you!
Oh my! That's the cutest puppy ever!
Oh Kelly! Fletcher is so cute!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!
Hey Kelly, I've tried to e-mail you, but haven't had any luck. Try e-mailing me at carmen94@transy.alumlink.com and I'll catch you from there. take care!
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