Saturday, July 22, 2006


Come on Partay Peopleeeeeee!! It's CHA in Spirit Day in the Pub at 2peas! Those of you that are bummed like me about not getting to attend the show, go visit and party! TONS of chances to participate and win cool goodies! It'll be running til Midnight EST. It's sure helped me smile today...that and I got an email from Ms. Shannon from the show with some fantabulous news! Totally psyched about it!

AND....a little plug for BasicGrey here since I'm missing dinner with the girls (and Greg! ;)) tonight. I want to hype up their new lines LILY KATE and GYPSY! (as if they need it!) These lines are just scrumptious! I love the subtleness of Lily Kate and Gypsy for me is a cross of 2 of my favorite lines - Lollipop Shoppe and Urba
n Couture. If I'm not careful, it's going to give my Color Me Silly a run for it's money! ;) Here are the images of the new goods! ORDER ORDER ORDER! You'll love them! :)


Create It Simply said...

OH! I love the Gypsy line! I like ones with bright fun colors and this one is perfect. Lucky you!

Sorry about CHA, I was going and then decided not to. Now keep thinking of all the things I am missing so I know how you feel. Guess it helps to remind myself all the things I would be missing here at home if I had went (including the $$ I would have spent). Glad you are having a good day at the Pub party.

Anonymous said...

oh goodness - those papers are just beautiful.
Have times we are having over there in the pub.


Anonymous said...

ok seriously that post of mine sounds like I am drunk I need to proof read. "GOOD" times. LOL


Unknown said...

Oh yummy!!! I just love them!!
What wonderful colors!
I can't wait to see them IRL!
Here's hoping that CX gets them soon.

SusannaT said...

I so totally dig Gypsy.
in love.
cannot wait.

The Pub was a fun hang out on saturday.