Sunday, July 30, 2006

Taking a cue from a few friends - Ask Kelly

I've been determined lately to keep up with this blog and not let it die a slow, horrible death, but frankly? Sometimes there's just not much to say (except for this weekend we're re-doing the boys' room but I'll get into that and post pics later! ;)).

SO...I'm taking a cue from a couple of friends of mine, Amy and Angela and opening up an "Ask Kelly" session. I've had a few ladies drop me a line lately asking about one thing or another, and I thought it just might be something other people would be interested in. I'm ready for anything so if there's something you've always wanted to ask, please do! (Lurkers too! ;)) I'll be happy to answer as best I can. I think I'll leave this up until probably Tuesday night and then start replying.

Don't be shy! Ask away!


Anonymous said...

yeah... I am 1st :)

Let's see...

Kelly, How what is your number one tip for getting published lots?

Kelly, How far away from me do you live? {now that I am a southern girl - transplant}

Kelly, why are you so dang good?


Love your work and you know I do.


Anonymous said...

seriously LOVE your work - you are one of the very few out there who does multi-photos and does it fabulously

so my question is journaling 1st or design 1st? i always have trouble with making it all work and I am just curious how you do it.

Anonymous said...

I have read some blog entries but I just have to ask: What are 3 NSBR activities that you enjoy doing? Do you have any pets? Why did you choose the names for your boys? Sorry if that's too much. Love your blog by the way!!!

Anonymous said...

Kelly- I would love to see how one of your sketch pages start out. You encouraged me to start one but the white page scares do get inspired for all your creative designs....and last how on earth do you do it with 3 active boys??????????

Jana said...

I love it! You could be the "Dear Abby" of the blogging world!! Hmmm, I don't really have a question for you other than when are you coming to hang with me in Texas??! ;-)

Jennifer Stewart said...

Hi, Kelly! :)

Ok, I have a really REALLY important question...

What do you do to keep in touch with your inner "girly side" with all of those boys in the house? :) I'm the only girl in my house, too, so I have lots of pink accessories in my scrapbook area. How do you girl it up? :)


Unknown said...

hi kelly...

i love your work.. so here it goes.. what are you inspired from? you inpspiration? and when are you going to teach a class in jesup ga?...

keep scrappin' cause i get alot of inspiration for my sons layouts...i love all your boy stuff...

Debbie said...

Do you always go with your 1st gut instinct on a layout or do you change your mind frequently? lol Its a woman's nature, isn't it. haha

Tracey Odachowski said...

Hmmm...I have one...did you get any top secret phone calls today? Cuz if you entered, I'm rooting for ya!!!

Anonymous said...

hmmm ask Kelly anything...this could be fun :) lets see
Can you post your first page ever for us?
Did you have a mentor that helped you perfect your styly?

and a none scrap one

How did you hook up with your dh?
You know I love your work and I think your a great person too :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Kelly!!!

a couple of questions:

What does your scrap room look like?

When do you find time to scrap?

How is Turner's speech going? (my son James is still behind, but has improved in the last year...but still has much more to go)

Are you going to Memory Trends?

hugs to you!!! :)

RACHEL =) said...

Cool post, Kelly!!!
Okey-dokey, here are my questions...
1. Ditto Court, how do you get published so frequently? Of course your work is AMAZING, but is there anything else you do? Like certain things you write in your email submissions or anything?
2. Do you listen to anything while you scrap? Like Music or TV??
3. Do you base a layout on your pictures? Or products/colors you'd like to use?
4. Who is your scrappin "Idol"?
5. How far do you live from (Macedonia) Ohio???? Quite a few of us get together at The Cord and I'd LOVE to meet ya! =)