I know today is the 4th and most people would probably blog about their bbq or other fun celebrations, but eh, I already did that. So today I'm taking a different turn. See this picture of me? The beautiful woman standing beside me is my best friend. Right now she's going through a major life event and moving from her home of the last 15 years in Nashville to head back north to be closer to her family and her husband's job. This has been a huge change for her as she spent her adult years in the south and really considers it her home, yet she's excited for the future ahead for her and her husband. Because of that, I am extremely happy and excited for her...and looking forward to visits to the Jersey Shore with my crew in tow (or not ;)).
But on a personal note, we haven't been further apart than 3 hours for the past 15 years. And even though we didn't visit lately as much as we should have, I still knew she was there...and COULD have. So this move has been hard on me, too, and I'm going to miss having her close. This is for you, Ann Marie. It's about time that I'm finally doing a layout about us (ok, I've put it off so long because we could never agree on what constituted a "good" pic of either of us! lol) and while I can't share it yet online, I wanted everyone to know just how important you are to me. Here's the journaling (and please note our clothing colors in above picture when you read this!). I love you, Roomie! Happy 4th of July.
Peach and Pink. Those two words just about say everything there is to say about us. We're night and day. A little 5'1 and a glamorous 5'7" (but seriously, it's like 6' with her heels!). Brown eyes and blue. Long hair and short (though we're getting closer and closer to the same color at least, in part, thanks to Miss Clairol!). South and North. Vinegar (yes, I'm calling ME the vinegar) and oil. Yep, that's us.
We're as different as we can be, on the surface. But when you look closer, you'll find that we compliment each other so well that we're like two halves of the same person. Your Libra evenness balances out my Scorpio rashness. Your fun nature makes me do things I'd never do on my own. My creative energy gets your decorating fever going. We complete each other's sentences. We both watch (and are learning from) "What Not to Wear!" My boys call you Auntie and when the day comes that you're blessed with your own, that will be my name too.
Well before the full seventeen years we've known each other (I'd even say from the moment you walked into my dorm room), we have been the best of friends. Yet it's so much more than that, even. We are the sister that neither of us ever had. You and I have faced just about ever major milestone together. You're my rock, my confidant and I love you...to the moon and back."
I look forward to seeing the lo that goes with your sweet journaling.
Happy 4th :o)
Great journaling and she sure sounds like a great friend!
What a beautiful tribute to your friend. I can't wait to see that layout. I know it's going to be gorgeous just like all of your work! Great picture of the two of you, too!
Oh Kelly your journaling is wonderful. You're making me cry. Special & dear friends are so hard to find and you have been truly blessed with a wonderful friendship.
Can't wait to see your layout! ;)
How awesome to have a friendship like that...
Gorgeous picture of you guys! I can so totally relate to what she is about to do... My husband and I moved our family 1500 miles away from our home of over 20 years... we wanted the move... and asked for it... and planned for it... but it was still VERY challenging.... and almost two years later... we are still having challenges... There has been hard times.... but there has been lots of laughter and lots of JOY! I wish her luck and I also know how you feel.... my best friend lives hundreds of miles away... and we hardly see each other in fact this 4th of July will mark a 3 years since we last saw each other... I miss her terrible... but I know she is just a phone call away. My heart goes out to you... and her... if I could offer one bit of advise... share as much laughter and tears with each other while you can. Happy 4th to you and your family.
Beautiful picture and AMAZING journaling, soooo so sweet!! I have a best friend like that, just went on 20 years!!! I can't WAIT to see the incredible masterpiece you'll create with that picture and journaling! =)
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