My big boy had his first day of preschool yesterday. He was so very excited to get back to his routine. He truly adores school and making friends. He's such a social kid! And I really think the biggest draw to being there, is that there he is just "Turner", not a brother. He is his own man at school and really, who wouldn't love that? ;)
It's going to be a bit of an adjustment getting into a routine again as now both he and Ethan head out the door at the same time - which means 2 boys to simultaneously dress, feed an
d get ready. And here I thought I had a couple more years before all of that! Seriously, I think the great irony of life is that you spend 9 months getting these kids here, which are like the longest months of your life and seem like an eternity. And the second they are born, time moves at warp speed. *sigh*
So here's my cutie Mr. Turner...all ready for school with his new backpack....that I have a feeling he'll be sleeping with for a while as he loves it so! ;)
to cute Kelly.....are you feeling a bit sad. I know l would be. My daughter starts her very first day in a few weeks. I have been a stay at mom home for almost 4 years l am a bit nervous not her. Hope he was a great day.
Great pics Kelly!! My 3.5yr old starts pre-school for the first time on Aug. 28!! I'm just as excited as he..Plus I hope it will help having only our 14mth old home with me when the new baby comes in Oct!! Hope he has a great day!! ~Dawn
I am feelin that warp speed too.
5 days a week for 4 hours I have no kids. love it but makes me sad all at the same time :(
So stinking cute!! I however have a son who will take his first step into High School on the 30th. And ya know what? I am feeling the "SAME" emotions I was feeling on his first day of pre-school!
He is so CUTE!
He is super cute!!! :)
Wow, he looks so sweet on his way to school! You have such adorable children!
Sad.... and very well said. We wait forever to get them here, and then they change faster than we're ready. Aaahhhh parenthood. :)
What a cutie!! My 4 year started pre-school on the same day. I agree time flies too quick.
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