First, my sweet baby boy turned THREE (*sob and sniff*) on Tuesday (the 29th). HOW is that possible?? If that we're enough for the wee man (and his mama), he had a birthday party at the local petting zoo on Sunday (where he got an entire bag of carrots to himself to feed the animals - that he didnt' have to share with the brothers!), he had his final session with the fabulous Miss Ann (his speech therapist) before he aged out of the program, AND he started his first day of Pre-school on Monday.
I'm praying you can understand why I've been horribly slack about posting! My emotions have been soooo over the gamut this week and I haven't even felt like myself!

Carson's 3rd birthday was great. He said he wanted to

C is adjusting to school slowly but surely. It was absolutely heart-wrenching the first few days as he cried hysterically whenever he had to leave me. It immediately put me into tears too. But I'm so proud of him because he's trying so hard to

Now if only *I* could adjust as well. I miss that little boy during the day more than I thought possible.
And as a final update, E and T are both doing fabulously in school. Turner really thrives on a nice tight schedule and having some time away that is just his, where he can be just Turner and not a brother too. He loves his friends, he's amazingly social and his personality is just getting sweeter and sweeter.
Ethan is doing amazingly well in first grade. His teacher comments often how bright he is, how he has such wonderful handwriting and creative writing skills. He's so quick with math too. It completely blows me away! Now if only he could not be like his mama in all areas....for he too has developed her tendency to talk too much in school. *Sigh* I TOLD everyone who would listen that I'd cloned myself in male form. I've got it all over any scientist! ;)
awwww... sounds like you've had a tiring week!! I hope your holiday weekend is relaxing ;)
Happy Birthday Carson! I totally understand the closeness you can feel to the therapist. My son loves his, he screams for joy when she opens the door to welcome in for his session. It will be a happy and sad day when his therapy is over. Take care and hugs through the transitions!
That backpack looks bigger than he does, bless his heart. You'll get used to them leaving. It's only the beginning of that, I'm afraid!
Hey, Kelly...sounds like a busy week! Your little man looks so cute! I am glad school is going good for the other two! Any news on the football fiasco? Did you find a different team? Thanks again for your congrats this week, and your help!!! :)
What a week indeed!! Hope you enjoy this holiday weekend coming up with the boys!!!Love all the pics!! ~Dawn
Golly, you sure have had a full week....of course we, your faithful blog readers, understand! That petting zoo sounds awesome, my boys would just love that too and heck, I would too!! Hope you guys have a great holiday weekend.
Oh girl... you have been busy!
Sending you some huge hugs too! Love those pictures!
LOL, you cloned yourself, too, huh??? Well, a BIG HB to Carson! Now I see what you mean that your bday week was as crazy as Em's was!!!
girl I swear you take like the CUTEST pics!
I sure has been hot here in cali too! Just yesterday we went fishing and it was like 105! ugh. I was sweating just from breathing! haha. I crack myself up. Glad to hear about your boys doing well with school...hopefully they won't get into too much trouble with the whole talking ordeal...the teacher had to call my mom once to tell her I talked to much in class!! haha.
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