Turner has his first "official" full day of school today. He was supposed to go yesterday, but suffered a strong asthma attack Sunday night that lasted all day Monday. We kept him home and gave him regular breathing treatments to break it. He's doing much better now and as I type this, Daddy just took him off to school for the day.
Carson, bless his heart, was visited by that terrible croup monster at about 3:45 this morning, so Mama and Daddy were up with him...in the steam, in the cold, in the steam, in the cold...trying to get that darn virus to break (I swear if it's not one thing it's another!). Happy to say that around 5 am, he was sleeping soundly in his own bed again...and is STILL sleeping (at 8:00) though a very groggy mom and dad were up at 6:30! He's also fast approaching his 3rd birthday so all the appointments he has to get in before the early intervention program ends (for his slight speech delay) is happening fast and furiously this week. The sad thing about that is that it means this week - Friday to be exact - will be his last session with Miss Ann. Miss Ann is his speech therapist. She's the one that's been with us since Turner was 20 months old and she's so well loved here. It's going to be a happy but sad day when C phases out and no longer needs to see Miss Ann.
Ethan's big excitment is that flag football signups are going on and he gets to do that AND start Cub Scouts. I can hardly believe he's big enough to do these things. Every bit of me screams "WAIITTT!!! Quit growing up so FAST!!" but he's bouncing off the walls. He's so stinkin' excited about both of these activities he can't stand it. And they'll be so good for him. He's got energy and enthusiasm to burn, so he's ready!
And let's see....yesterday was a HUGE birthday day for several people I love dearly.
It was a big one for her - the big 6-0! And as Ethan so innocently asked, "Is she going on 61, Mama?!"
HA!! All the DD's fault completely, Mom, I swear!
Also Happy Happy Happy Birthday to my Aunt Jane (and her twin sister Joan who passed away too long ago) and to my best friend from High School, Roy. I love you all. :)

kelly.....sounds like you have your hands full. Hope your little guy is feeling better soon. Can't wait to get the masters book, and see your work.
oooh, can't wait to get my hands on the book kelly! that layout is hilarious! so cute! hugs...
Soooo excited about the book, cannot wait to get my hands on it! LOVE that layout, too cute!!
Sounds like you have definitely been one busy mama!! Hope the boys are feeling 100% soon, so that you can all get rest!!
I agree... time definitely goes by waaaaay too fast!!!
OH wow! Sounds like a busy day and night! Hang in there! Hope you're not too sleepy today and that you little troop of boys feel better soon!
Love that layout too!
Awe, what a busy momma you are!! Hugs and prayers for quick healing!
The book saounds great...not like I'll get out to see it anytime soon..lol love the layout!! ~Dawn
Great Layout Kel!
I missed buying the book by 5 secs at my LSS. I'll have to stalk it somewhere else.
It looks fab. I peeked at Lisa's the other day.
I hope Turner and Carson are feeling better, and you and your DH have caught up on some sleep!
One of my twins(almost 4), is going to start some speech therapy in the fall. I'm looking forward to some help in that area.
I love that layout and I can't wait to get my hands on the book, it sounds like it is going to be awesome!
hi kelly,
love all the updates on the boys.
i cannot believe how big they
are all getting.
love this layout you
shared from the masters
book--i need to get that.
i hope all is well!
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