Monday, November 24, 2008

The Cheer Heard Throughout Blogland

Oh, Happy Day!! McDonald's has put all their fountain drinks back to only $1!! Whooo hoooo! Let me just say this: I'm lovin' it! Because as you loyal blog readers and friends know, I'm a McD's Diet Coke Junkie and this is my confessional. ;) And because I know it's a bit small to read the journaling and because the first step to recovery (not that I wanna recover!) is admitting you have a problem, here you go:

"It is time I come out and let the world know that I have finally realized I have a problem. Because that's the first step, right? And I can't do it alone. I need to belong to MA. McDonald's Anonymous. And it's not because of their incredible fries, though I love those, too. I, Kelly Goree, am a McDonald's Diet Coke junkie.

There. I said it.

And it's true. I live for my daily cup of that incredibly potent caffeine. There is just something about a McDonald's fountain Diet Coke that is unlike any other. I don't know what it is and I don't care. I just know I love it. And I know that I really need to part ways with it. It's not doing me or my waistline any good. With your help, I am going to enter this 12-step recovery program to cut that liquid heaven out of my life. Today. Truly. This time it's for real! (Are you believing me??!)"
(This is an older LO that appeared in the June issue of Scrapbook Trends if some of you think it looks familiar ;))

Ok now on to my mini books winner....the random number generator picked lucky number 23, so that means Jennifer, it's YOU!! Email me at with your addy so I can get your prize out to you!

Thanks to everyone who posted - I hope to see minis from all of you soon!


Lindsay Teague Moreno | 5ive Photo said...

well this post kicks ass. you know i feel you on certain foods tasting better than others. I'm a dr. pepper fiend and I find that there is no substitution for either Sonic Cherry Dr. Pepper or Wendy's Dr. Pepper. They're just different...I don't care if people think it's all in my head, it's NOT!


Melanie said...

you're talking to the president of MA, you know? so diggin' that stitched heart.

Anonymous said...

i too am a MD's Diet Coke addict :)

Jennifer said...

OH my gosh, that's me #23...I had to go triple check because I can't believe I won!!

I am a McDonald's Sweet Tea lover!! It's the best!

julie.schellin said...

"There is just something about a McDonald's fountain Diet Coke that is unlike any other." Amen sister! I don't know what it is...I can't believe the number of people I've heard say this over the years. Some sort of addictive chemical that we'll find out about in 10 years, and be able to sue McD's for all they're worth. LOL :)

Kathy Martin said...

I love this page Kelly! I didn't see this before since I don't subscribe to Scrapbook Trends...yet. :) Earlier this year, in March, I kicked the caffeine habit and it was surprisingly easy! It just so happened that I caught a nasty flu bug and I was not up to my morning cup of joe or my afternoon. Three days later, once I felt half human again, I never went back. That first day I needed one Excedrin for a slight head ache. The day after that, I took 1/2 an Excedrin and the rest is history. It feels soooooooo good not to NEED caffeine. And the best part…once in a while, say once every three weeks, when I do have a caffeinated beverage...whoa, peel me off the ceiling! I have enough energy to put together an entire scrapbook in an afternoon, clean and paint the house! Well, maybe not that much. :)

Jennifer Priest said...

Haha...Diet Coke Lovers unite!!!

Anonymous said...

yep.... my husband doesnt bring me flowers. he brings me LARGE mcdonalds diet cokes... :) i say there are 2 things mcdonalds is good for: fries, and the diet coke. LOL. (i might add that i'm glad i have had the pleasure of enjoying a mcdonalds diet coke or two or three with you....!!!!) smiles, s.

Anonymous said...

yeap another addict! thanks for the 411 on the price reduction. I am there for lunch1 already my mouth is excited for it's little pleasure later today!

MireiaKDS said...

I love this page !! :)
i'm addictet to mc. donalds too!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Kelly,
Great layout. I, too, have an addiction but I'm not sure I am in the right place to scrapbook it. I think if I did I would have to take steps to solve my addiciton and I love my Mountain Dew too much - so bad for me, I know.

Did anyone guess the name of the new Basic Grey line that's coming out?


Vicki said...

I confess too! Not to being a McD Diet Coke Junkie, but a McD Sweet Tea Junkie. It's the only iced tea I drink and I drink it almost every day! I can hold a candle!

Anonymous said...

SUper cute lo!!!! I'm lovin' it! :-)

Ella Swan said...

All those mini album photos make me just wanna go & buy some & start NOW! I have only ever made 3 & found them so much fun :-) Thanks for inspiring...

Shannon said...

Ummm am I going to have to drive to Shelbyville for $1 cokes? cause the ones I have visited in the Ville are so not back down to a buck... and you know I am right there with you sister about the MickeyD's DC!

Unknown said...

LOVE this! Perhaps it's because they have the best iced coffee on the planet, or because I mistakenly believed that I was the only grown up out there who really LOVED McDonald's :D

You were the Runner Up Scrapbook Page of the Week at Card of the You can see the original post here:

I did use a picture from your post, with links back to the site and the original post. I hope that is OK. Please feel free to email me if you need me to change anything.

I also have an “I was featured” on badge for you if you want it :D

Anonymous said...

Hi - I totally agree about the McDs DC. I was a DC addict for a long time then one day I quit cold turkey and haven't had any for a few years. When I did drink it though I would frequently go to McDonalds just for their diet coke because it was somehow better. Thanks for the post and the blog.