Thursday, November 13, 2008

Hap-PEA Anniversary to me!


Saturday will mark five years (and 12,000 posts!) as a Pea for me. Has it really been that long??! I find it hard to really put into words what the TwoPeas community has done for me. I give the site and the wonderful members and friends I've made there all the credit for evolving my scrapbooking into what it is today - whatever that is! But seriously, it's so true. When people ask me how I got started scrapbooking, I mention two was my group of online mom's that I met when Ethan was born as they were the ones who directed me to 2peas and motivated me to actually pick up some scissors (Hi, Jan '00 Moms!), and then of course, 2peas itself.

The very. first. time. I visited, I managed to find my way to Ali Edwards' garden seeds. I was so blown away (and greatly intimidated!) that after looking at a few pages, I shut the window down on my computer and didn't go back for months. True story! (Betcha didn't know that, didja, Ali?! lol)

When I finally did go back, I just drank it all in like a sponge. I'm quite sure I didn't post a darn thing except for praise for months on end. I watched and looked and tried to learn as much as I could. It was at least 2 months after that when I finally had the nerve to post my very first page. Since then, there's been no looking back! I've had so many amazing opportunties that I couldn't have dreamed of just by being a part of 2peas. So today, to Kristina and Jeffrey, I want to give my heartfelt 'thank you' for helping me find my passion. I was forever changed and I am forever grateful!

So you know I couldn't leave this post without a little giveaway to celebrate...ok a BIG giveaway! If you leave me a comment by 11:59 EDT SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15th telling me what made you start scrapbooking or the biggest influence on your scrapbooking, you'll be entered to win not only a Wassail Card kit but 3 sets of Wassail stamps. And let me tell you why this is huge...those stamps and card kit are now SOLD OUT!! at BasicGrey (YAY!!!!) so once they're gone from stores, they're gone. (This is also true for my baby - the 2009 Calendar kit! We were amazed at the response it got! And I'm so excited it did so well!) So this is your chance!

Do a little celebrating for me today, ok?!



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Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary! I loved reading this - I go to twopeas the 1st and 15th of every month to get an inspiration injection :o)

When I started scrapbooking (2006), the freestyle craze was in full effect. After making a couple of layouts in that style, it just felt wrong for me. Then I picked up Cathy Zielske's Clean and Simple Part Deux and everything felt so right! That really changed it for me, I started making layouts that looked a lot like my own style and how I would design websites - simple and to the point!

Jingle said...

I started scrapbooking about 10 or 11 years ago. The funny thing is...I didn't realize it was a whole big hobby thing! I just wanted to do something artsy and fun with my photos from college! I bought a spiral bound black paged album from Hallmark and a gel pen and a few stickers and I went to town! I loved it! It was really simple, but it grew from there. I soon discovered the whole world of artistic scrapbooking out there and I have been growing ever since!

Pascallle said...

Happy Anniversary

I start scrapbooking when my daughter is born in 2005
a friend of mine make some beautiful pages ( and she gives me some advice to start...

Addie said...

I started sb for just a creative outlet. But after getting married and having a child, it's all about documenting the now!

Brianna said...

Happy Anniversary! I started scrappin in 2002, just after I got married. My mother is the one who got me into it! I started scrapping my wedding and about our dogs! I have really enjoyed seeing the scrapbooking industry grow into what it is now and can't wait to see where it goes from here!

Megan Aaron said...

Happy Anniversary!

I started scrapbooking when I was moving across the country and I wanted to make a nice memory for a friend. My biggest influence was finding the bustling online community.

just me....lynn said...

Happy Anniversary to you!!! Thanks for all the amazing inspiration you have provided!!

I started after my daughter was born in 1985 and havent looked back and have loads of albums done for her and my family to appreciate and I do feel that this is my legacy to them!!

melita said...

wow! happy anniversary! what a great story!

why did i start scrapbooking? that's easy...i needed a hobby and my dd was bugging me about why she had no photo albums. why did i continue? because i found a part of myself i didn't even know i was missing. i was so busy being a mom and wife, that i hadn't taken the time to be me and really, i didn't even know who "me" was at that time anymore. through scrapping, i rediscovered myself, my creativity, my spark and found a few wonderful friends along the way and more opportunities than i ever dreamed possible.

Amy said...

Happy Anniversary!! I started scrapping after I was dragged to a CM party kicking and screaming. I had no desires whatsoever to scrap, but 6 years later here I am owning an LSS and still plugging away!

Erica Hettwer said...

My biggest influence was probably the girls on the CKMB. They've all been so wonderful and encouraging and the variety of styles there are so inspiring. Love them!

anniekate said...

I got started 11 yeards ago after returning from my semester abroad. My Ireland book was my very first one! I am a Two peas lurker, but have never posted. You've inspired me to do so!

Jennifer Roach said...

Happy anniversary! I've been a pea for a long time too.

Really I've been scrapbooking since I was a teen if you count gluing ticket stubs etc. into books.

In 2002ish my mom took me to a scrapbooking class at a LSS and that's how my current obsession started.

Kristin said...

Happy Anniversary! I'm new to 2peas (just joined last month), but I am not new to scrapbooking. Thanks for inviting everyone to share, I love hearing how others got started!

I began scrapbooking in 1992 when I was a freshman in high school. I received a simple old style book as a birthday present and that is where I put newspaper clippings, programs from school functions, and photos of my friends with little captions underneath them. Boy have things changed since then and my books tell the story. I have scrapped high school, college, single life, my workplace, my wedding, and now my two kids.

Looking back you can see when I got my first punch (1994 - they are all over the place), when cutting photos was in (1997 - circle & star shaped photos everywhere), when the latest thing was hand written & colored in titles (2000 - probably the last time I seriously used all of my markers), when I joined the eyelet movement (2002 - holes everywhere!), when I got my first digital camera (2005 - not limited to one "so-so" 4x6 shot anymore), and most recently when I started making projects other than 12x12 layouts (2008 - jumping on the minibook bandwagon).

It is neat to look back and see how I have grown as a person and a scrapbooker over the past 16 years. I am so glad I have recorded all of those memories, and I love looking back - even if I cringe at how "out of style" the page is now.

Kelly said...

Happy Anniversary!

I started scrapping in college (self-taught) and had no idea why anyone would scrap 12x12 when you can use perfectly good letterhead with designs on it a lot 50 sheets for $1.50 from Wal-Mart. EEK! I can't believe I actually told someone that:/ It didn't dawn on me that I would have 50 sheets of the same design (clouds/sports/ect). Oh that's so embarassing! No wonder I took a hiatus for a few years after that. Luckily I found an awesome LSS owner who took me under her wing and got me going in the right direction. It's actually painful and very hilarious to look at my first LOs.

Amy said...

My friend Nicole got me started scrapbooking....I was 16 so 12 years ago? She's still my best friend and we still bond over scrapping.

Melanie said...

i should've known the calendar was yours - LOVE it! :)

and happy anniversary, kg. the place wouldn't be the same without you!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary Kelly... You have some amazing stuff. Thanks for sharing it with us.

Kandi from Puyallup, WA

Anonymous said...

We all have different reasons WHY we started scrapbooking. But for me, the reason WHY I CONTINUE to scrapbook is, that when my dearly loved husband was dying, his memory would fade in and out. So, I would get out my scrapbook albums, and show him what we were talking about, and it would jog his memory, and he remembered. His smile made it all worth while!

Anonymous said...

I started scrapbooking in 2005 when my friends decided that we were going to start getting together to scrap once a month. I’ll never forget that first Friday we were meeting and I was at work and told my coworkers “I really would like to spend time with my family tonight but instead I’m going to meet with my friends to scrapbook, what is scrapbooking anyways?” So my coworker directed me to At lunch time, I went to the store, bought two pieces of paper, some stickers and didn’t even take a pair of scissors with me that night.
As I started to prepare for next month’s crop night I went to the store and discovered Basic Grey and my life changed forever!! I can’t even explain my love of Basic Grey’s products, its gallery and artists (like KG :o). I am thankful that my friends helped me discover my passion and they are glad I discovered Basic Grey :o)

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary Kelli! My 1st visit into the 1st Archiver's store right by me in Apple Valley was all it took and I was hooked! I'm not sure I remember when they opened, but I'm thinking 1996 or 97. The rest is history!

aida said...

Happy Anniversary! I started scrapbooking 5 years ago because I do not know much about my family history (my dad was an orphan by age 10) and on my mom's side, we have some pictures but no idea who they are. I wanted to "fill in the blanks". Plus, I have 2 daughters who are always asking me for stories from my that's why I started...Happy Anniversary!

Jaime Lynne said...

Happy Anniversary to you, Kelly. I believe Two Peas and BG are very lucky to have you.

I started scrapping in 1998 when my best friend moved away. I wanted to give her a book of memories to take with her. I bought some plain cardstock and made color copies of some photos. I cut out all the little dies and alphas from templates myself. It was a far cry from what scrapping is for me today, but the same principle still apply. And whenever my friend and I get together, we look back through that memory book and smile. It is more precious to me now than ever!

Thanks for the opportunity. And again, Happy Five Years!

Stacy said...

I've been scrapbooking forever; back in the day when I got those cheap made scrapbooks (not acid free of course). The kind we just used tape :) Happy 5 years!

Leah said...

That's awesome Kelly! Now your pages are the kind that intimidate me because they're so good! :)

My best friend got me started in the hobby about 4 years ago, but in addition to that the biggest influence has been the online world of scrapbookers. It took me a while to find my style, but I think I'm there.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! I started scrapbooking after my first son turned 1 and I had all the photos and no albums. Now I have (some)completed albums!

erin said...

hi there!
happy anniversary! i started with creative memories over 15 years ago. but, it wasn't until the summer of 2003, after my first daughter was born that it really took on a life of its own, and is now a daily way of life for me, my family, and friends. i love having this creative outlet in my life, and appreciate all the friendships i've made as a result as well.
what a sweet rak.
happy wednesday!

Annette said...

Happy anniversary!

I started scrapbooking approx. 2 years ago and have been addicted to it since. I started because I wanted to document my children's childhood.

Leigh Penner said...

Happy anniversary, Kelly!
I know I could not scrapbook without the online communities I'm a part of-- what a wealth of inpsiration!
I first started scrapping because I made friends with someone who did. I loved her stuff and wanted my albums to look like hers. So I talked my dh into letting me and haven't looked back since!

Gwen Lafleur said...

Happy anniversary!

I started scrapbooking after I got back from a summer internship in Belgium about 13 years ago. While I was gone my mom had found these cool new archival papers at the craft store and when I got home she encouraged me to make a scrapbook from my trip. I was hooked! I've been scrapping ever since.

Sara said...

Congratulations! I have been a card maker for 10 years, but started scrapbooking when I had my first baby in april this year. That means I am still a novice and haven't had a lot of time to devote to it yet, but by reading all the amazing scrapbooking blogs in my google reader I am storing up on great ideas to use so that I can document my son's life. So fun.

Pamela said...

Happy Anniversary! :) Great giveaway too! I actually may be different than many people. There was no person or real reason for why I started scrapbooking. I saw a scrapbook at the store (very different from the scrapbooks now days) and I thought it looked cool. I was in college and had always been a photo-taking I just kinda started on my own. I bought the scrapbook and started making one...little did I know that there was a whole community of scrapbookers, scrapbooking magazines, or online inspiration galore. My first album was done without all of that. :)

Amber said...

Happy Anniversary and Congrats. I started scrapbooking after my son was born 10 years ago. I wanted a special way to preserve all the special memories. I love creating new things and sharing my passion with my friends.

Leesa said...

Hapy Anniversary!!!

I started really scrapping at the beginning of this year because I had my son and wanted to preserve those memories. He is still my absolute favorite subject to scrap. I look at all of the stuff I have and can't believe its only been 8 months since I started!

Thank you at the chance to win that awesome Wassail stuff. I *love8 that collection!!! It's just beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary Kelly! I started scrapbooking just about a year ago, after having my daughter. I was a new stay at home mom with a lot time on my hands (well...sort of) and lots of photos to do something with. Scrapbooking became a way to document her first year and more than that, it was a creative outlet for me and something I could focus my attention on, away from the day to day routine.

I met a group of moms on Babycenter who all had babies the same month as me who were into scrapbooking. We keep each other motivated and do challenges each month. They've become good friends over the last year. And Kelly, I must say you've also been a huge influence on my hobby - I can't tell you how many of your layouts I have lifted. So, thank you, thank you for the inspiration!

Anonymous said...

Happy, happy anniversary - your creations inspire me!!!

Kirsty said...

Happy ammiversary! I am still intimidated by the awesome talents over at 2 peas LOL
I attended a CM party, and broke the rules even on my first page! My poor demonstrator was horrified!

Heather M. said...

Happy Anniversary! What an incredible giveaway! I've always been a big fan of your stuff. You were one of the first Peas in my BOS! :)

I started scrapping after my sisters and mom bought me some stuff for my birthday 8 1/2 years ago. I was really into it from the beginning but never really felt like I had my own style that I was happy with until my daughter was born in late 2006. She changed the way I scrap - it became more about the story and photos (and less about the stuff) because I realized how quickly she was changing right before my eyes.

kristina proffitt said...

Hap-Pea Anniversary to ya, Kelly! :) I'm SO glad you went to 2peas 5 years ago! You have inspired me so much! I got started scrapbooking when I picked up a Creating Keepsakes magazine and saw a cool font mentioned and the site they got it at was 2peas. I checked it out and have been there ever since! :) Thanks so much for the chance to win those beautiful goodies!! Congrats to you, my friend! :)

Unused Account said...

Happy Anniversary to your passion!

The first scrapbook I amde was a travel journal way back in 1997. I was visiting Europe for the first time as a 19 year old and didn't want to miss a thing. I took it with me a journaled in it every night and added photos and clippings from my travels. I still love that book.

And it's been 11 years now. Whew! And I still LOVe it!

Szilvi said...

WOW. Really liked your story. Made me smile.
How I started scrapbooking? More funnier. Here in Europe, scrapbooking is nor so widepsread. But I used to watch the Lost TV series in English. Once Kate mentioned a Scrapbook album she made for her father. And one day, while I was surfing some online craft sites I bumped into the word 'scrapbooking'. That episode came to my mind and made me curious. So it took only one click and after and hour I was totally in love with that hobby and tried it out the next day. I printed digital kits and made traditional albums from it. Although I haven't heard about hybrid those times. Later I started ordering SB stuffs from 2Peas and other international stores. And I've been scrapbooking for 3 years by now. :)

Cate Brickell said...

What got me started? a friend owned a shop, I went to a card class, she invited me to a midnight crop that night, the rest is history...

What influences me? twopeas gallery, ali edwards, cathy zielske, I think I have even got one of your LOs in my inspiration book ~lol~ aussie scrappers like belinda venables, mardi winen and my favourite forum

Anonymous said...

Huge congrats on the Anniversary and all your well deserved success! I first started scrapping in Fall 2001 to record the trip where we took our boys to Disney for the first time! 2Peas has also been a huge factor in my scrappy life!

Anonymous said...

Well happy anniversary. I guess my first scrapping was in high school and college where I would put photos and ticket stubs, and other little memories jotted down in an album. It of course evolved into more of a creative outlet after my kids were born. I find inspiration just browsing at the online galleries and on blogs etc. Lots to see out there.

Fleursbydesign said...

Wow - Happy Anniversary!

I started scrapbooking when my first son was born - I took a class at my local scrapbook store and was hooked. That was 1999 - I can't believe it's been 9 years! Now I work at my LSS and I love to teach the beginner's class!

Loriann said...

Happy anniversay to you.. Thanks for the inspiration... I love your style. I started scrapping with the birth of my first son in 2004.. It is fun to look back to see how my style has changed.. Keep up the beautiful work..

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary! I started scrapbooking after my daughter was born in 2006 and was hooked! lol!

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary! I started scrapbooking after my daughter was born in 2006 and was hooked! lol!

Nikki said...

Happy Anniversary!

I started scrapping in High School because my Mom was really into the hobby, working on a 40th Birthday album for my Dad. I only scrapped a teeny bit during college years and starting a "real job". I started up again after getting married in 2006 and was shocked at how much it had changed in the six years I'd been "away"! I scrap mostly for the creative outlet, but now that I'm a Mommy, I am focusing more on capturing the memories - it wasn't as important to me before!

Geralyn said...

Happy Anniversary!

I started scrapbooking about 2 years ago, mainly because I wanted to make a special gift for my friend. After having so much fun with it, I started buying more products and began scrapbooking my own life and it's been amazing :)

Tracey said...

Congrats to you! That's exciting! Thanks for celebrating by offering such a fabulous giveaway!!

I started scrapping by making a gift album with my sisters for my mom's 50th birthday then got married shortly after that and did an album for that. I have not stopped since! I love this hobby and can't imagine not scrapping!! My style sure has changed from those early days though!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary Saturday! I'm also celebrating an anniversary Saturday - one full year without a cigarette! Yeah for me! I first scrapbooked from a newspaper ad for a local scrapbook store. They had a free page layout and I was som impressed with what I had done that I became instantly hooked. Took your class this year at Creative Escape and impressed myself again! Not much natural creative ability but I'm VERY good at following directions! I hope I win your RAK. It's very generous!

Anonymous said...

Dear Kelly..... Thank you. For your post. For your wonderful Words. For your thanks. Your post made me smile and want to cry at the same time. Thank you for being a part of Two Peas. We wouldn't be the same without you.


Harley Dee said...

Happy Anniversary!! And congrats :) I started scrapping when I was in high school, because my theater group took a trip to London and Scotland. I came home with about 20 rolls of film (back before digital was commonplace)and hated to see those wonderful memories just sit in a box.

Sheila said...

Hap-Pea Anniversary! :o)
I started scrapbooking because we took a trip to DC & I wanted to preserve all the things about our trip. That was going to be it-done, only when I finished I discovered that I felt sad & lost & that I wanted/HAD to do More! LOL
I've been happily scrapping every since!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary, Kelly! I started scrapbooking when my daughter convinced me to go to a creative memories workshop. The first I had ever seen of anything like this. Needless to say, it started a complete frenzy. I now scrapbook in any way, not just cm. and I love it. I love patterned papers, cardstock,embellishments, ribbons, and all the goodies out there today. I also make cards. Just absolutely love the feel of paper. It's all so much fun and relaxing.

Cathy said...

Happy Anniversary to you!! :)
I started scrapbooking, CM style shortly after I got married (nearly 8 years ago) I didn't have the space to keep things out, so it was just boxed up. Then I met a great friend and she has become a wonderful inspiration to me... since then I know have my own scrap space, and have even been in 1 online publication. She has lead me to a great group of friends that I hope I will have for life! So I would have to say that my friend Michelle (mshell) would be my greatest inspiration.

Robyn said...

Happy Anniversary!!

I always thought of myself as crafty but until one of my best girl friends introduced me to the world of scrapbooking, it took the word "crafty" to a whole new level! Being the mom of two sweet boys there is no better way to capture all the wonderful & mischievous moments!

Kristen said...

so fun to hear everyone's starting original inspiration was my mom, who hosted the first CM party I ever went to way back in 1992...I was so inpspired that I took i had and pulled them out of their albums and started putting them in scrapbooks. i ran out of steam when my first was born in 2001...but in 2004 after a big move and kiddo #2, i met my friend, brenda...she inspired me to pick it all up again. here i am 4 years later, doing design work for the lss (with Brenda, no less) and loving this hobby in a whole new way while i scrap my three precious boys! thanks for sharing with us, kg! kristen in nor cal

Isabelle said...

I started scrapbooking when a LSS opened close to my apartment. Was curious, took a class and since then I'm an addict. I get a lot of inspiration from my friends at

Greta said...

Happy anniversary! I've been scrapping since 2005. Love the give away :)

Anonymous said...

Hap-Pea Anniversary! I started scrapbooking about 7 years ago when I went to a CM party and was hooked. My biggest scrapbooking influence is family history-I really enjoy making albums for all my family for them to past down.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your anniversary!

I started scrapbooking about 8 years ago for a couple of reasons. One for my son to have the pictures AND the stories behind them, and because I was always curious about the little, day-to-day things from my parents' and grandparents' childhoods I want to record those little things for future generations to enjoy! :)

Dawn G.

Jennie said...

i started scrapbooking about 4 or 5 years ago at the urging of my good friend angie. she too led me to 2peas, where i quickly discovered ali and heather melzer. i have since evolved into more digital scrapping, but as i am trying to catch up on my 2yo's album, i'm falling back in love with paper. happy anniversary to one of the best scrapbookers ever!

Anonymous said...

Scrapbooking for me started just after I got out of hospital from an operation. i was bored so my best friend gave me her creative memories cutters and I was hooked. We have both come a long way from creative memories and infact cannot remember the last time we used CM products. its all Basic Grey.

Amy said...

Happy anniversary!

I think I first started scrapping when I was in high school. I was in a play and wanted to preserve my photos. Gosh, that was 10+ years ago! Looking back, my pages are not very good, but they're mine.

I am more into paper crafting now than scrapbooking... as I'm getting more inspired to do digital for that.

My mom definitely inspired me to be crafty... as a child we always had little projects to do. Now, I'm the one showing her new techniques and ideas!

Anonymous said...

Happy 5th Anniversary!! How exciting for you!!
My sister is the one that got me started on scrapbooking. She had been scrapbooking for quite a few years before me and I always admired her beautiful creations. Then, when my first bundle of joy came into the world she convinced me to start on my own journey into the scrapbook wonderland and I've never looked back!

Anonymous said...

I started scrapbooking back in 1997. It was my grandparent's 50th Wedding Anniversary album, and we wanted to make something special. It turned out exactly as I imagined, and it meant the world to them. I was completely hooked after that.

Tabitha K

Sarah Mullanix said...

Congrats on your anniversary!!!
Two peas is always full of inspiring pages and projects!!!

I have been scrapping for 12 years (since my oldest was born) but the biggest influence on me was when I began working for my LSS 5 years ago. My boss and now friend invited me to go along with her to CHA (then held in Dallas) and it was a whirlwind. My brain was like a sponge and I was trying to learn as much as possible about this world of scrapbooking that I didn't even know existed. I've met tons of friends through this hobby, and I will always be grateful to her for giving me a chance to prove myself! I LOVE this hobby!!!

Haberdawoman said...

Happy anniversary! I love reading your blog. You a truely an inpiration. I have been scrapbooking for as long as
I can remember but I discovered an entire new world of scrapbooking when I met La Verne Boese in 2007 who also pushed me to think outside the box and I have not looked back since. I now scrap on a daily basis and I am enjoying every moment.

Anonymous said...

A friend of mine got me started into scrapbooking way back in 2002. I ended up getting much more into it than she ever did, and when I started reading Creating Keepsakes, I would notice the link for TwoPeas all over the place. It was then that I really fell in love with scrapbooking, and I've just never looked back.

I still remember the first time that I saw Basic Grey paper. One of their first lines was Dawson (which is my last name), and I think there was even a yellow paper called Amber (my first name) and I was hooked! I own more BG than anything else, and I hoard it like crazy. I'd love to win since I can't get these at my LSS.

Lastly, I wish that I too could scrapbook like you or Ali (my fave scrapper of all time), but I'm glad to have my own style! My favorite way to stay inspired is to read different scrap blogs and mags, of course. I rip out all of my favorite pages and then organize them by person, with an extra section for random people. Thanks for the constant inspiration.

Amanda Sevall said...

Happy Anniversary!! :) I started in much the same way 5 years ago... love my online scrapbooking girls and now we have an annual crop somewhere in the US every year!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Kelly! I cannot believe how far you've come in just five years. I can so understand what you mean about the intimidation at 2Peas. I visit the site so often and have been part of the community since January of '05 but I have only uploaded two projects and commented on other people's stuff. There is a "fear" associated about making your hobby so public. But, after a few positive comments, I can see where people get more confident and start to like all the feedback. I have several layouts with that "Scrpitina" font and the torn vellum and the hidden journaling. It was a phase, but your page is still very good and a great one to be your first page at 2Peas. Thanks for sharing your early work. As for my start, well I don't know really. I've been doing some form of it since long before I knew about the hobby. Then in 1996 I walked into a Michael's and saw some premade diecuts and a scrapbook magazine. This has become a way of life for me now. I scrapbook almost every day. Congratulations on your anniversary and your 12000 posts. Also, way to go on the BG kit. Why am I not surprised that they have sold out?


Allison Cope said...

Hap-PEA Anniversary Kelly! I started scrappin' about 3.5 years ago. I got hooked when I started participating in on-line message boards and galleries. You are an inspirational crafter to us all Kelly! I always look forward to looking at your gallery.

Nikki said...

Happy Pea anniversary Kelly :)

I started scrapbooking in 2000 when I was pregnant with my first son Austin. My MIL and her SIL were hosting one of those CM parties at her house. I went home that night got my first CK magazine, got online and found the CK MB and two peas and was hook.

I scrapbook for my children, I journal on 98% of my layouts, my scrapbooking is always been about telling my kids story and the story of our lives together. The best part of me doing this is when we sit down and go through all my layouts and read them, my oldest reads and loves to read his pages over and over, I love the smiles they all get about what they did, liked etc. This is why I do this.


Anonymous said...

I discovered stamping in 1996. I became a rep for a large stamping co. That co. got into scrapping and I said NO WAY...

Then I had a daughter in 1997, and there were things, precious things that I wanted to remember, vital things that I wanted to teach her. I have found SB and offshoot hobbies to be a place of respite for me, a place of self-satisfaction, a bridge between age, race culture. It is a place to teach and a place to learn. It helps me explore my deepest thoughts and express my most personal emotions.

When my now preteen daughter cannot share her secret thoughts with me, she can scrapbook with me. It becomes an unspoken language for us and we are able to communicate and share and be close.

Through internet sites (I remember Jangle, Leora's Clubhouse, 2peas in the beginning and SBA), I have connected with people from everywhere and learned from all of them.

It is therapy. It is a gift. And my life has been forever changed by it.

yyam said...

I started scrapbooking two years ago when sourcing for materials to make something meaningful for my brother who was going through a rough patch. Initially, I only scrapped happy occasions and photos. Then I scrapped about my grandfather whose death caused me years of pain. Somehow, putting my pain down on paper released pent-up guilt of not saying goodbye to him in person. Now, I scrap about my daily challenges and I'm glad that I'm able to self-heal. I've also made great friends through this hobby. Everything happens for a reason and I am thankful that I can tap on the creativity of all the talented scrappers around the world in my own journey of self-discovery.

Cass said...

I started scrapbooking 3 months after my son was born. I wanted a way of recording all the little things that otherwise get forgotten. I looked into scrapbooking and I've never looked back.
As for inspiration, I am inspired by so much - my friends, my family, online galleries, products themselves! I love it! :)

Happy anniversary! Thanks for everything that you have added to the scrapbooking industry! :D

Summer Braxton said...

Wow, congrats on 5 yrs. So cool. I refused to get into SBing for the longest time. It seemed like everyone I knew was doing it and I like being different. So while they got together to SB, I joined them, but stamped cards instead (big difference, right?). 3 years later, my daughter arrives and I could no longer resist. Her life is so amazing to me, I want to remember every moment.

Elaine said...

Congratulations - The garden is so pretty with your creations! I would never have started to scrap w/o the internet~! No one site in particular but just the fact that there are so many ideas being shared from places like 2Peas is what got me inspired!

Wendy said...

I started scrapbooking in 1998 when I started my son's senior scrapbook. So I guess it's an anniversary for me, too. But actually now that I think about it, I glued the "My Weekly Reader" with the cover story about the Kennedy children in the White House into a large book. And, yes, I am that old!

Unknown said...

I started scrapping when I got given an album and some supplies. Having abcolutely no idea I enrolled in a class and now am totally addicted. Love the BG stuff and your layouts using them.

Anonymous said...

I started scrapbooking nine years ago to make an album for my daughter who had just gone to college. It was hard to find supplies. Here and there at Joanns or Michaels. No scrapbooking stores around, but I made do with what I could find. And now, I've got a whole room full of supplies!

Michelle said...

Happy Anniversary!!! I started (like many others) after my first child was born. It also helped that a M's was opening in my town at the same time! ;) I did some research on the internet and also found 2 Peas and Ali. I immediately fell in love with her and her 'way' of doing things. Still to this day (4 years later) I'm in awe of her. I've found many others too...i.e. you!! LOL

julie.schellin said...

I wnated to get my wedding pictures into a real album, just in time for my TENTH wedding anniversary. I had no idea how much I'd enjoy creating a scrapbook. Since then (2002) I've created individual scrapbooks for each of my kids (all 7 of them), several family albums, and numerous special occasion/even albums. Can't stop me now! :)

Alex S. said...

My daughter's birth is what started it all!!! It started out as card making...then I had my baby and I made the birth announcements...and then I went all in with scrapbooking! My sister had a lot to do with it too...encouraging it and taking me to Scrapfest in MN! But...I love it and I am so glad I am in it! Thanks for the chance to win a fabulous prize!

Jolene Pienaar said...

Gosh, I love seeing 'famous' scrappers first pages, makes me feel there is hope for the rest of us yet, so thanks for sharing that!!!
I started scrapping when I got pregnant, a way to record the bubby's life, never realizing that it was about to take over my life and an extreme addiction, never looked back since yet though hehe.

Julie said...

Congratulations, Kelly!!!!

I started scrapbooking the CM way but that didn't last long once I saw all the juicy, fun, things at was my first online purchase and I've been forever hooked. I still check the gallery at least once a week and that is where I first saw and fell in love with your work...that you are desiging for one of my most favorite company's only makes it so much sweeter!!!!! BTW, I will always stalk your's think it's my first comment, though! ;) lol

Happy Anniversary!!!!

Teresa Wilkins said...

I love my familiy. My 3 sons were (still are) my whole life. I dreaded the empty nest so bad that I had to find myself again. It was hard to imagine not being on the soccer field or attending a school function. Scrapbooking did that for me and so much more. I'm a shy person and scrapbooking put me in a position to really believe in myself and allowed me the ability to address one person or a whole room full of people about my new passion. I love to teach scrapbooking classes. I travel to all sorts of scrapbooking events and bring home my new ideas and share with my friends. Scrapbooking open a whole new world for me. I am extremely grateful. Scrapbooking changed my life.

Anonymous said...

My biggest influence on scrapbooking would definitely have to be my daughters. I love documenting all of their first moments and it helps me remember and appreciate all the little moments with them.

ajrunge said...

Happy anniversary! Thanks for an awesome site! I started scrapping after we began our little family! I just love it, not only do i get to preserve memories for the future I get some much needed ME time :)

Jan said...

I see my daughter posted here I was the one who got her started, funny, because she and her sisters were the ones who gave me something to scrap about when I started years ago. And now her children inspire me to try so many fun layouts with them as my favorite subjects!

Shannon said...

I started scrapbooking in 1999, my senior year of high school. My friends and I wanted to record our last year together. Scrapbooking became an instant passion for me. Now, I have 4 kids under the age of 5. They love scrapbooking with me which I love. My husband is in the military and about to go back to Iraq, again. Scrapbooking is a way for him to see what we did while he was gone. Also, scrapbooking helps me keep my mind off of the danger my husband is in. I love scrapbooking. It is much more than just a hobby.

melle said...

Happea Birthday!

I started scrapbooking in January this year. I wanted to make an album for my wedding-photographs. An now I am a Scrap-Junkie...

Greetings from Germany

Becca said...

Happy Anniversary! I recently found your blog and LOVE it! I have secretly been following it for a few weeks! I'm so glad you posted about your 2peas experience! I have recently joined 2peas myself but am intimidated to post much as you were. Thanks for the encouragement to get out there!

Oh, and to answer your, I first started scrapbooking 8 years ago in high school just because I love papercrafting and the process of creating pretty things! :) Now it is even more fun having my own family to scrap and record our memories!

ConnieC said...

Happy Anniversary.

I've always collected stuff in albums. I had a huge magnetic album filled with stuff from the late 80's - early 90's. It was all my Jr high and high school stuff. About 6 months ago, I took all that stuff out and stored it in a more safe way.

Scrapbooking just evolved from that. I'm one of the childless scrappers out there but I find lots about my life to record.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!!!

I started scrapping for my only son. He is now in heaven and he is my greatest inspiration to scrap. I want to tell the world how much I loved him through my pages.

annesatx said...

Congratulations! I guess my biggest influence has been SB magazines and idea books - I am totally addicted! And the internet also is a never-ending source of inspriation. I spend so much time reading about SBing that it's a wonder I ever get anything done!

Anonymous said...

I started scrapbooking after the birth of my son and started looking for ideas online which opened up a whole new world of scrapbooking to me.

Christie Wildes said...

I started scrapbooking as a hobby in college at a CM party. My how far I have come!! *snicker*

Love the new BG stuff. Wondering about the other Christmas line?!?! Is that for M's only???

Inquiring minds wanna know!!


Anonymous said...

I started to scrapbook about a year after my daughter was born. Truth is...I never wanted to be a scrapbooker. But I went to a demonstartion at a friend's house and I loved the whole idea of capturing the memories and stories of our life for my daughter. My father passed away when I was young and I wish I had something from him that told his thoughts when I was young. Now I have two girls and not enough time to scrapbook but I love it and try to fit it in whenever I can. Thanks for sharing your story and for all your inspiration.

Anne House said...

Yeah, Kelly! I started after a trip to the Carribean...all those lovely pictures needed somewhere lovely to put them, lol!

Jessica said...

How exciting! Happy Anniversary! I began to scrapbook in 2005 and that year I got married & found out I was expecting a baby! Since then I have been addicted!!! I am so inspired by my family and preserving our memories! I also love the creative outlet it has created for me!

Rachel said...

Happy Anniversary! I started scrapbooking to document the stories and photos of my parents and grandparents.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary to you! I started scrapping about 12 years ago in a very primitive form--construction paper and pictures-lots of laughs! I like to think I have evolved since then.Like you mentioned, TwoPeas was a big part of that and I can't imagine scrapping without that resource!

Lorraine said...

I started with a scrapbook about a trip that I took with some friends and once I started, there was no looking back! Congrats on your successes, Kelly!

Anonymous said...

I made a specific decision to NOT get into scrapbooking. I told myself that I had enough hobbies. My daughter wanted to scrapbook, so I bought a few supplies for her to get started. Then I realized that my son wasn't going to have anything to document his life. It would be like he didn't exist. Any good mom couldn't let that happen! It is now my favorite hobby.

Shannon said...

Congrats on your anniversary

A wonderful friend of mine introduced me to Digi scrapping. I tried it and was not that great with it. Then another friend showed me all her paper stuff and helped me to get started. I feel in love with the paper. I have been scrapping ever since.

Scrappinology said...


I started scrapbooking way back in 1983 only then it was not what it is today...there was no such thing as scrapbook supplies, so what I did was sit for hours cutting gift wrap paper to get things to decorate my pages with (of course now I know that was a no no, but hey, you do what you have to! lol!) Then I got away from it for many many stepped in and I never even knew what had transpired in the Scrapbook industry during that time. One day I was browsing the net and came across Two Peas and that was about 2004 and it hit me like a ton of bricks!!!lol.....I finally found the hobby that I had long searched for and it had grown up! I can think of no other hobby that can fulfill me the way scrapping does.....there is nothing in life more important than family and friends and this hobby enables me to embrace that.

Thanks for the walk down memory lane and the chance at the contest!

*gina* gg loves Matthew

Stine66 said...

I started Scrapbooking in 2004 when a local shop opened, and YOU and Theresa Lundstroem ( another BG designer) where then my biggest idol's and you both still are !
And I visit blogs and homepages every day - to collect inspiration, becaurse I scrap every single day.

Suz said...

Happy Anniversary.

I've been scrapbooking before there was a thing called scrapbooking back in the 70's. Just photos, lots of journaling & memorabilia. I would save my babysitting money & buy albums at the hallmark store near our house. (just wish I would have cashed in on the boom but I was too busy raising kids lol)

Even though I an old timer - I'm newer to the online community (about a year) - With a serious case of empty nest syndrome I stumbled upon 2peas & have caught the bug like never before! I love your layouts they always stand out in the galleries, getting inspiration from blog hopping & have learned lots of design concepts over at Paperclipping from Noell.

Angel S. said...

I started SB 11 years ago with my best friend and it is still my favorite way to scrap! It's a great way to reflect on the blessings in my life.

Erin Glee said...

Your Pea-ple are CELEBRATING with you! YAY!

I started my first son's baby Scrapbook ten years ago... floating in space stickers and sillouetted infant snaps. I did journal, though! This industry has come so far...

Anonymous said...

I started scrabooking not too long ago (some months!). My biggest source of inspiration is my daughter, Arielle, 5 months old. :)

Anonymous said...

A work colleague invited me to a crop at a LSS, that's what got me started.

ms318i said...

happy anniversary.....i am celebrating with you right now with a glass of wine (11pm here in australia)

my inspiration is my main subject and he always loves looking at the pages i have done of him.........and also all my online friends i have meet that i wish to one day meet irl.....

Anonymous said...

I tried hard to resist getting caught up with scrapping but just couldn't help myself! Being fairly sentimental and collecting memorabilia of special events and also from people that I have met in my life, scrapbooking quickly became an outlet for me to record lots of priceless memories and a way to capture future goals and dreams.
Congrats on your 5 years of Hap-pea- ness!

Anna D

FrancescaVe said...

Happy anniversary, Kelly. It's almost 3 years that I love your layout.

Unknown said...

I went to a Stampin Up party a couple of years ago. We made 2 double page LO's (I didn't have clue what that meant back then)...anyway, that's all she wrote for me! I've been addicted ever since.

Anonymous said...

I started scrapping 5 years ago, right after my second daughter was born. I was living in Europe at the time and had no scrappy stores around, so when my sister in law came to visit the baby for the first time, I asked her to load up part of her suitcase with what she thought I needed to get started. She was into Creative Memories at the time, so she packed up a trimmer, corner rounder, oval cutting templates, some stickers and some of their paper kits. I supplemented with more CM stuff off eBay, and I was off. Everything I had was either bright neon-y colors or primary colors (and I have 2 girls). Once I moved back to the states, I went nuts shopping for actual girly papers and embellies. In retrospect, I'm glad I had such few supplies, because it made me realize that I like the actual art form of scrapbooking, not just the "art" of shopping for supplies that I have developed now!

And that's it!

Anonymous said...

Kelly, Happy Anniversary!

I started scrapbooking well, I think I've been doing it a LONG time - like since I was a kid! But I officially started around 1999...I was invited to a CM party and that lit the fire of creativity in me. I scrapbooked the CM way for years and it's only within the last 5 years or so have I expanded my horizons and used other products. I have since been dubbed the BG QUEEN to my friends! I think I have used almost EVERY line from BG in my albums. I absolutely LOVE all the collections that have come out and will always use them. I also just got my first set of BG stamps [Offbeat and Urban Prairie!] and LOVE them!!
I also have my own business in which I can turn my love for this craft into a job! I'd love to have more business but I also want to have some time to scrapbook for myself and to share my legacy of life with my kids. That's the biggest reason why I scrapbook. I want my kids to know they were loved and they had some great experiences as kids and as they grow.
Thanks Kelly! Love your work BTW! It's very inspirational! xo Amnda
Thanks again for the giveaway!

Mindy said...

I started scrapbooking 10 years ago when a co-worker brought in a Creating Keepsakes magazine and said to me "you have to check this scrapbooking thing out--it is all the rage in Michigan where my sister in law lives". I drank in that magazine and promptly went to Michael's and bought about $200 worth of supplies to get started. We didn't have scrapbook stores back then and I remember having a bunch of Paper Pizazz paper books and a lot of decorative scissors! I devoured all things scrapbooking and found the website where I learned all sorts of interesting things. It all just took off from there--2 Peas came a little later, we got a scrapbook store where I taught classes, and now I am on a design team for a kit club! The girl who introduced it to me is pretty flaky and after a year, she never scrapbooked again, but I am sooooo grateful that she did it long enough to introduce me to it!

Anonymous said...

I started scrapping 5 years ago, right after my second daughter was born. I was living in Europe at the time and had no scrappy stores around, so when my sister in law came to visit the baby for the first time, I asked her to load up part of her suitcase with what she thought I needed to get started. She was into Creative Memories at the time, so she packed up a trimmer, corner rounder, oval cutting templates, some stickers and some of their paper kits. I supplemented with more CM stuff off eBay, and I was off. Everything I had was either bright neon-y colors or primary colors (and I have 2 girls). Once I moved back to the states, I went nuts shopping for actual girly papers and embellies. In retrospect, I'm glad I had such few supplies, because it made me realize that I like the actual art form of scrapbooking, not just the "art" of shopping for supplies that I have developed now!

And that's it!

Donna said...

Happy Anniversary. What a great story. I started scrapping 6 years ago just before I got married. My sister was a scrapper and insisted that I need to start and to start with my wedding shower photos. New life, new hobby. It's amazing how much influence online scrapping has on me...I am a Peas lurker. I love reading the forum and love looking thru the gallery.'s to another 5 years of great scrapping! ;)

Trish said...

Happy Anniversary! I started scrapbooking after our third disneyworld trip in 2005 - I had so many photo's and wanted to do something other than just stick them in an album!

Samantha said...

Happy Anniversary! :-)

I first started scrapbooking when I went to a crop (dragged there by my sister.) After that I just couldn't stop. It's been about 4 years now and I love the change it has made on my perception of every day life.

Sarah and the rest of the family said...

When I was a child, I loved going through my granddad's photo albums. He had all the pictures labeled with who was in it, where it was taken, and when. I spent hours looking at the past and knew I wanted something like that for my kids and grandkids, too.

For awhile I scrapped safely, now I do mostly safe layouts that will last, but now I use it as a creative outlet, too. Since it is so hard for me to find time to scrap all the stories (I have four kids ages 2 & 4), I blog. . . . then put it in a book and call it a scrapbook! I love the flexibility of this hobby!

Ally said...

Happy Anniversary!!! I love going to 2peas for inspiration, especially when I'm in a creative rut. Gets the mojo going!

I began scrapbooking in high school about 10 years ago. I just wanted something to do with my pictures instead of just putting them in regular albums. I started off with those "peel and stick" hallmark albums (that drive me nuts now). I love everything that is available now and all of the new stuff that comes out all the time! You can never get enough!!!

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary! I started scrapping after my daughter was born in 2001. My biggest inspiration is online blogs and galleries. Love your work:-)

Becky said...

My grandmother is what made me start scrapping over 15 years ago when it was rubber cement and construction paper. I got hooked on one time when I was searching for scrapbook layouts on google. I found inspiring people like you, CherylJuneGirl, and QueenofPaper. I remember seeing the layout of your boys in the rearview mirror on line. Then I discovered that they had scrapbooking magazines. I picked one up and recognized your layout in it. It was a true eye opener into this industry. From there I found Ali Edward's and Jessica Sprauge's blog, Two Peas website, and Creating Keepsakes site. From there Lisa Bearnson's site and Becky Higgin's too. I was on manufacturers sites and soaking it all in. It's always inspiring reading about how other people are approaching it and I'm glad I found all of these sites!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! Thanks for sharing your scrapbooking story. I got started seriously scrapbooking about 4 years ago. I find inspiration from reading blogs of gals like you. I so appreciate you sharing all your ideas.

Colby said...

Getting married made me start scrapbooking. I wanted to be able to create an album in honor of our big day. It was my first project ever and one that I am still proud of, even though it was before the big scrapbooking boom and cool products. Even though we don't have any children yet, I still like to document our memories...our albums say "this is us"...and our mark on the world. I love this hobby.

Karen said...

i started scrapping when we got back from our second tour in germany and i wanted to document our travels for my family. i am passionate about telling our story and having future generations know who we were.

Jenna Franklin said...

I can't believe I was a Pea before you, lol! Then again, it took me YEARS to start posting...
Happy Anniversary!
I started scrapping when I got home from the hospital with my son in February of 2001. We had spent almost a week there and my folks didn't come down to visit until after we got home. My mom brought me one of those super cheesy kits available way back then. Eek. I was addicted within days, lol! Most new moms are dreaming of sleep, I was busy freaking out that I had run out of pictures (sigh, to have THAT problem again!) and needed the hubby to go pick up more film so I could keep going!

Anonymous said...

First of all, Happy Anniversary! I was an "old school" scrapbooker from the beginning. I have 4 scrapbooks filled with newspaper articles, cards, award ribbons, etc. that I decorated with whatever I could find. When the "new school" scrapbook stuff came out, I thought I had died and gone to heaven!! I am definately an addict.....

Thanks for inspiring us!
Paula in Alb.

Wendy Sommers said...

Happy Anniversary to you Kelly!

I also got interested in scrapping right around the time my son was born but didn't really get into it until a year later when I had my daughter. I was on a parenting message board that had a bunch of scrappers and I was intrigued. I was talking to a friend one day who lives WAY too far away and she told me she scrapped! I asked her every question under the sun and shew as always enthusiastic and patient and helpful. She even surprised me with a pizza box of goodies from her stash to help me get started. I love that girl - and so glad she helped me get started because I'd be lost without scrapping in my life(and Melissa too! :) ).

Stevie said...

Happy Anniversary! I started scrapbooking when a friend forced me to take a class because I was bored! I haven't looked back! Thank goodness she did!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your pea anniversary.

What made me get into scrapbooking was taking a beginners class at Michaels, yes Michael's craft store. Of course they were very basic so I took it to the next step and did a beginners scrapbook class at a local scrapbook store and ever since then, 5 years ago I have been hooked. I love going to 2 peas to look at everyone's inspiration as everyone has there own technique and what is awesome about scrapbooking is that there is no right or wrong way to do it.

I love to scrapbook my fiance and I together, out pictures mean the world to me and our friends children so that is why I scrapbook.


Andi (RrlScrapGal) said...

Happy Anniversary!!!!

I love 2peas! My 'first' online source for buddies and learning and inspiration!
Ready for this????
Gosh.. My first scrapbook was a 'cut and paste' baby from High School - I graduated in 1980...
Then the next one was my dd's baby book! Which was full of decorative edge scissor cuts and stickers.. she was born in 1998...
Then.. in 2004 I attended a Creative Memories class and really go the bug! Followed by a Stampin' Up club and subscribing to every single Scrapbook magazine I could get my hands on!!!
I joined 2peas in 2006 and really started a daily obsession....
So.. I would say I started back in 1980!!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! I started scrapbooking after my sister and I took a trip to London. I only scrapbook a little bit but do A LOT of card making. I love taking the time to personally make a card to send to someone.

JJ Sobey said...

I started scrapping a little over 3 years ago, after the birth of my son. I realized that he was only a few months old and I was already forgetting details that I thought would be etched in my memory forever. Things that I really didn't want to forget!! And the baby book just wasn't enough, so I started scrapbooking, and now I'm seriously addicted!

I got that overwhelmed feeling you had, the first time I walked into a 'real' scrapbook store. There was so much to look at, I was overloaded and didn't buy a single thing. Of course, I think that was the ONLY time I walked out of there empty handed, LOL!

Anonymous said...

My friend and I were shopping at Michael's and spotted a large scrapbook "kit" and decided to go in halves. Well, it's been 10 years and we have never looked back. We still share goodies from time to time. She lives in Michigan so it's nice to see a variety of supplies. I love simple, classic layouts with the emphasis on journalling.

Stephanie M.

LisaNRoxy said...

Happy Anniversary!
I started scrapping in 2005 - a very good friend of mine had done it for years - I avoided it for as long as I could becuase I knew I would be sucked right in and sure enough - I am!!

Shara said...

I just bought your calendar at Heartland and I LOVE IT. It is amazing and can't wait to put it up. Next year I would love to have an even larger one.

I started scrapbooking in college, but Oh my goodness, those pages are heideous, but it is fun to look back on see how much my creative style has progressed. I had a goal this year to get published, but I am so intimidated by all the amazing work out there. But I have decided to give in and at lest start posting some of my work.


Amy said...

I started scrapbooking over twenty years ago when I was in high school as a way to keep all of my school memories in one place. Of course, the industry has changed so much since then. I really got back into about 10 years ago when my oldest child was born. Now it is a total addiction!

Anonymous said...

I started scrapbooking about 6 years ago to create a wedding album...26 albums later, I'm still going strong!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Congratulations on your fabulous achievement! I love reading your blog and am so inspired by you and your beautiful creations.

I started scrapbooking in January 2008 - yep! I'm a newbie. I started scrapbooking as a way to express myself creatively. I still have so much to learn and am at times so intimidated. I'm going to keep at it though!

Thank you for being such an inspiration and for sharing your talent with all of us!


maiahs_momma said...

I would have to say that it was my wedding that really sparked me getting into scrapbooking. A friend of mine got me my wedding album, also her free scrapbooking class.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Kelly! I started scrapbooking as a creative progression from cardmaking. I dream of time to pursue this passion to its fullest; but my busy family life leaves little room for personal play time. I love the variety of scrapbook styles published in Scrapbook Trends magazine; Basic Grey has really expanded my horizons; and if I have to choose the top influencers of my scrapbooking style, I would have to say Kelly Goree, Kelly Noel, Janna Wilson, Courtney Walsh & Lea Lawson. I'm always looking for those names in magazine publications to see the latest they've come up with. Such talent just amazes me!

Anonymous said...

HapPEA Anniversary :) I got my big start when I visted my boyfriend (now hubby) for a couple of weeks inbetween college and my real world job. He recieved a coupon from a "scrapbook?" store that was just down the block... we were both curious,so we went on an adventure... 7 years later, I think he is a bit sorry now :) HA!But very supportive!

Unknown said...

Happy-Happy Anniversary! I started scrapbooking in 2003 because I wanted to document our lives when we moved. And now it's just an obsession. I'm sure i'm not the only one.

Jenny said...

Congrats! I started scrapbooking 8 years ago when I was pregnant with my first child. My friend was having a scrapbooking crop and invited me. I have been hooked ever since. I also enjoy stamping and making cards.

Kim M said...

What an amazing story, so glad you shared it!

My little 8 year old daughter actually got me scrappin. She had me buy stuff for her to start her hobby and when she began playing with the papers and things, I just had to jump in and help her out and I have been hooked ever since. The ironic thing is now that my dd won't even touch anything remotely related to scrapbooking.

Anonymous said...

HapPea Anniversary! I started in 2003, about 6 months after my daughters were born. I also was lucky enough to find 2 Peas within the first year - such awesome inspiration and ideas there. I still check every day for new things.

Janet O. said...

Lisa STorms is why I started scrapbooking. She was a member of my March '00 group (online moms too, huh Kelly!) and was the only scrapper on there whose pages I didn't hate back in the age of sticker sneeze. I thought "I can do THAT" and started in '03.

Anonymous said...

I started scrapbooking in 02. I was browsing the craft store waiting on my MIL and wanted into the scrapbook section...the rest is histore!!

pattyb said...

I moved from my hometown of Palatine, where my sister lived next door literally, my parents were five minutes away and I had a close circle of friends; to the wintry tundra of Minnesota, where we knew no one. I wasn't very happy.

It didn't take long that I met some nice women, oh and by the way they meet once a month to scrapbook. Scrapbook, huh? I went to the next get together and was hooked. We still meet once a month, but I am the crazy member of the group that gets all the magazines and keeps up with the blogs. Call me the scrapbookling encyclopedia member.

I love this hobby. Instantly I was part of something and I so desperately needed to feel like I belonged at that time of my life. Now I try my hardest to include as many people in this hobby as I can.

Anonymous said...

I started scrapbooking in 2006 when my second baby was 4 months. I love take pictures of my family and I love create. I don't have a personal scrapbooking style because I admire freestyle, clean&simple, shabby chic...

Happy anniversary to you !

Janine said...

Wow Happea Anniversary to u!
When my twins were born I began taking loads of photo's. 6 months later I was sitting with stacks of photo's and decided I wanted to do something creative with them and that is when I discovered the art of scrapbooking! I started Scrapping in late 2003 but struggled to find a place/store that met my scrapping needs. One day while online in early 2004, I discovered to Two Peas and was blown away. I was beyond exstatic to find a community of people who shared the same passion that I had for scrapbooking. I was blown away and so inspired by all the work but especially drawn to the work of a Garden Girl by the name of Tina Bariscale from Canada! She was my inspiration! Not sure what ever happened to her. This passion for scrapbooking in a huge part of my life and I find it very relaxing! :)

1scrappycat said...

That's awesome! Congrats! What a generous giveaway! My friend introduced me to scrapbooking supplies from QVC and I've been hooked ever since! (and now supplies from everywhere else of course:)

PamSpradlin said...

Happy anniversary. I started scrapbooking in 1998 when we hosted our first set of foreign exchange students. I wanted to send them home at the end of the school year with an album that told the story of their year here in the states instead of just a bunch of pictures. I started out simple...just paper and journaling. Now the pages are any where from simple to complex. I found that with scrapbooking, I just love to tell the story of the pictures.

Marilyn said...

Happy Anniversary!! I started scrapbooking out of boredom, lol! I just decided one day that I wanted to scrapbook! There was no life changing event or new life, just wanted to do it. I scrapbook for me, for the art of it. The benefit to that is I never feel behind, it never seems like a job. I am so addicted and obsessed, I love it!

Anonymous said...

The biggest influence on my scrapbooking has to be the internet! I get so much inspiration and learn so much from blogs like yours. Almost like being able to take a no cost class anytime. Thank you for the chance to win this fabulous RAK!

Mel Nunn said...

Hi Kelly! Happy anniversary!

I satred scrapbooking for my daughter 5 years ago, to keep all of her momentos together. I have met so many friends along the way. My daughter is going to school next year with my best scrapping buddy's daughters. So my daughter had two great friends from my hobby too.

Erica said...

I started to scrap when my son was born 13 yrs ago! Now I have a baby girl too! I want them to remember all our special moments! Now there are SO many wonderful supplies out there!!!

Kirsten said...

Happy Anniversary! My start was Creative Memories...and then about 6 months into it, I discovered 2Peas and I'm right there with ya - well, not right there with you, but you know what I mean - wasn't she Mama2Simon? back in the day...and I *ahem* dropped a few bucks at the BasicGrey booth at the CKC convention fun to win more goodies!

Robin said...

I started scrapbooking in 2003. I wanted to perserve life events. My first project was a birthday album for my mom. She LOVED it!!!! I have been addicted to scrapbooking ever since:)

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! :-)

I started to scrapbook when I was still little when you really use "scraps" of things that you have. A few years back, I came upon a scrap store and got hooked! on buying scrapbook stuffs *LOL* I so looooove all the PPs, tools & embellishments. I started hording them and once in a while will get a page done. I seriously started to scrapbook this year. Now, my dad once commented "Do you really have to do that every night?" *LOL*

Anonymous said...

Hap-Pea anniversary!! I love your story because I have joined a forum and am just too jolly shy to post a thing....and maybe shouldn't be!

I got into scrapbooking about 15 years ago, realising that one only has every day once. Sometimes the days are filled with big things, and sometimes little things - but these are the things that make up our lives and in 10 or 20 years everything suddenly seems memorable and precious. If I can record those things - and at the same time make remembering them special and beautiful, it seems like a "job" well done.

All the best to you!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary, Kelly!!!

Well let's see I began scrapbooking in 1999 after coming back from a family vacation at Disneyland. While I was in one of the giftshops, I found a scrapbook kit and thought it was a great way of creating a personal album of my family's time there. After that I took a beginning scrapbook class at my LSS and the rest is history!!!

Jacquie Hay said...

Happy Anniversary. I like most people was introduced to scrapbooking by being invited to a Creative Memories party at a friends, the hobby soon grew from there and I must say my children are my main inspiration.

Lisa J. said...

Hap-PEA anniversary! I would have to say my biggest scrapbooking influence is my dear friend Heather. I saw her passion for the hobby and how beautiful her work was. And I too have to admit when I actually saw her pages it was paralyzing. I felt I had to "be as good" as her. But then I tried a page and felt how relaxing it was and how it was a progression I was hooked. Let's not mention it is fun to collect product and of course BG is right up there. As a matter of fact I just ordered 3 packs of the card sets and received an email that they were no longer in stock so I got my refund. But boy am I bummed by that! Thanks for the warm memories of my early scrapbooking days!

Tammi said...

I started about 12 years ago when my second child was born to capture all of those precious childhood memories!!

Virginia said...

Congratulations Kelly!

I have always had a love affair with pretty pens and paper but I truly started scrapbooking shortly after purchasing a scrapbooking magazine to read on a road trip! This followed by a prompt trip to my scrapbook store...and I was addicted!

Elizabeth said...

Congrats on your anniversary!!!

I stared scrapping after the Queen of England visited VA in 2006. I took so many picks, I wanted to show them in a special instead of handing people my camera. Since that weekend, I've been hooked and I've driven my hubby nuts!! He's put up with it for a year and half so far. :)

Anonymous said...

I started scrapbooking after my 4th grd. teacher mrs. boone gave the class an assignment to do an atobiography of our family. I loved going to michaels and getting crafts so it was just an excuse to shop in their tiny scrapbook section! :-)

Anonymous said...

It is sooooo my creative outlet. For all us right-brainers out there is the ultimate in displaying and releasing our creative side. I started with my best friend, about 11 years ago, when my son was born by working on his baby book. I was hooked and I knew this was the hobby for me, even when all that was out there was pattern paper and stickers. Boy, we have all come a long way baby and by the way, the baby book never did get finished...some much to scrap so little time.

Ronda Simpson said...

Happy Anniversary!!!
I've always kept some sort of scrapbook my whole life. My first scrapbook was actually one of those photo albums with the magnetic pages, and it was Mickey Mouse! Once I was married and had my first child, I wanted to do more with my photos than just stick them in an album, and that is how it all started. I actually used scotch tape and construction paper!! :o


Jodee said...

Congrats to you! Love the stamps! I started scrapbooking because I wanted to record memories of our wedding. I've loved it ever since!

Anonymous said...

The birth of my first son got me interested in scrapbooking and I haven't looked back! Another son later and many scrapbooks later I am still loving it!

Liz said...

Happy Anniversary!

I started scrapbooking in 2000, after my daughter India was born. And within a year or so I discovered 2Peas. My official 2Peas anniversary is not until Feb 2002, but man, did I soak everything up, even before then.

Mrs. Fletcher said...

I love 2peas, too!

I have been scrapbooking since I was a little girl... I still have several scrapbooks that I made with glue, photos, and construction paper. Not the safest, I know, but it's fun to look back at these early scrapbooks.

I became a scrapbooking junkie when my first son was born six years ago. And I would have to credit ebay some for helping me collect a massive collection of scrapbooking books and magazines.

Karen said...

WOW!! So many comments!! Makes you realise how many people visit like me but don't always leave a comment. I started scrapbooking just over two years ago and can't imagine life without it!

I fell in love with Basic Grey from my first beginner class and frequently visit their site for inspiration and find that nothing inspires me to create more than a new range! Got to have it all!!!
Now i gain so much inspiration from blogs! Love them!
BTW Congrats!!! 12 years is amazing!

Lisa said...

To have a hobby that you could go in any direction you wanted was my inspiration to start scrapbooking. I love the tactile aspect of holding each piece of paper and each embellishment! thanks! lisa k in tx

Laura said...

I started scrapbooking when I was in high school- very simple, CM style scrapbooking. In about 2002, I discovered twopeas and scrapbooking magazines, and my eyes were open to the other side of scrapbooking!

Margie Higuchi said...

Happy 5th!
Doesn't the time just fly?!

I started scrapbooking back in the mid-1970s with those lovely magnetic albums! LOL!!! Then about 11 years ago, I went "acid-free." Found items at a big box (aka Mike's) and never turned back!

Biggest influences are a combination of sources...magazines, online galleries, challenges and SB friends!

Thanks for offering a generous giveaway!

HAwsumb said...

I've been scrapbooking for so long, I don't even remember when it was that I started. I'm sure that my mom, who's super crafty, was my inspiration. Happy pea-anniversary!

jane said...

Happy Anniversary! I started scrapbooking about 7 years ago because my college roommate had gotten into it. It was our senior year of college and I realized that I wanted to do something with all of my college pictures.

Corry said...

i started scrapping over 9 years ago after receiving a scrapbook about me from my mom for my 30th bday, and i knew i had to do one to remember my daughter who passed away at age 2, so the first album i did was about her short life and that was some 20 albums 2 teens will have lots to look through when they are grown LOL. I LOVe that i can sew and paint and cut and paste and encorporate all sorts of crafty techniques, a collage of all the artsy things i've done over the years and love that anything goes with scrapping!! and i LOVE your style!! Happy Anniversary!!

Michelle said...


I started scraping just over 2 year ago when we started our sons adoptions, I wanted to make sure I documented everything we did and everything we were feeling in hopes some day when he might be questioning our LOVE he can look through and read his scrapbook (lifebook) and know how much we loved him, wanted him and all the fighting we did to bring him home!

Dawn McVey (dawnsing) said...

Happy Anniversary, Kelly! What a great giveaway - so sweet of you!

I started scrapbooking mostly to get our vacation pictures in albums. I love, love browsing the two peas gallery and various blogs for inspiration.

Anonymous said...

I started scrapbooking because I wanted my kids to have a book that they could actually look at that contained our vacation pics. They were just little so I wanted it to be like a story book and scrapbooking seemed the perfect way to go.

Anonymous said...

The biggest influence and what got me interested in scrapbooking was my Mother's passing. There are so many questions I have regarding her life and our past that I'll never have answered. I know I can't scrapbook everything for my son but I do want to be sure he has some of my thoughts and memories that he can look back on in years to come.

Julie said...

Happy Anniversary!

You have certainly evolved into a fabulous scrapbooker.I love seeing the difference from your first layout to the ones you do now.

I started scrapbooking after I was invited to a Creative Memories party. I played with it some and then I got sick with a brain tumor and had to put it on the back burner for a bit,but now I am loving life and loving scrapbooking

Linda said...

Happy Anniversary! My biggest influence was CK. I started scrapping back in 1999. My dh worked nights and I needed something to do with myself after my girls went to bed.

I taught myself and then one day I was at the bookstore and saw the February 2000 (yes I do remember the issue) and it was like wow! It was a big moment for me. That led me to a lss (up until that point I was shopping at Michaels and it was a whole new world for me) and 2 peas.

Thanks for the opportunity to enter your give away and share my story.

Anonymous said...

I started after I had my first daughter in 2000 at the encouragement of my sister. Never had a clue how hooked I would become!

Leana (pealee)

Melissa said...

I can't resist throwing my name in the hat for this beautiful giveaway. Congrats on all of the wonderful times you've had from the beginning until now...scrapbooking/papercrafting is truly wonderful isn't it?
That's why I made me smile and a bit giddy inside from the first moment and still does's just a little something I do for me...for my makes me happy each day.

#1 Buckeye Fan said...


I started scrapbooking in 1997 when my friend Dawn introduced me to it at a Creative Memories party. It has been down hill ever since, LOL!

Steph :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary:) Your work is always inspiring.:)

When I first thought of scrapbooking some photos of my grandchildren, my daughter directed me to Two Peas in a Bucket. I love that site!! I have learned so much, it is a fun, generous community. Because of this hobby, I take more photos (perhaps too many:)), pay attention to more of the details of life, and give myself quiet time to reflect on my many gratitudes as I create a page.
Linda J

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary!!! What a fabulous story :)

I started scrapbooking several years ago because I wanted a way to be creative and personalize all the photos I had. At that time, my scrapbooking was very basic (stickers, sparkles and journaling). One day I fell upon some embellies at a local craft store and discovered that scrapbooking was this huge hobby with endless amounts of products to satisfy everyones creative needs! That just sealed the deal for me, and I've never stopped scrapping since. I feel like I'm a kid in a candy shop again, except this time the "candy" is papers, embellies and tools!

CJ and Erik Johnson said...

I first started scrapping because my motor home got a flat tire while we were on vacation. We had to go to Sam's Club for a tire change... and there I was killing time for 2.5 hours. A "vacation" scrapbook kit caught my eye, as we had many beautiful pictures from the trip. Too intimidated, it would be another 2 months before I attempted it. By page 3 I was hooked.

I am glad I didn't see your "first posted LO" before I started, I surely would have been intimidated by that. I love the pull out story tag. TFS

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