Me: Carson? Have you been talking about Thanksgiving in school today?
C: Yes.
Me: So what are you thankful for?
C: Um, I dunno. I don't think about that.
Me: Well let's think about it. What could you be thankful for? Are you thankful for your brothers?
C: Um, no. (lol)
Me: Well, ok. How about your trampoline?
C: Yes. I'm thankful for my trampoline. And Daddy.
Me: Anything else?
C: And you. (note from mom:FINALLY!) And school.
Me: That's a pretty good list. Is there anything else?
C: Um, I'm thankful for my home, mama making me hot chokit (chocolate), Curious George...and uh, that's it!
Makes me smile. Not a bad list for a five-year-old, is it? He's just one of the many blessings on my list this year. I'd love to hear what's on yours :)
He and the other kiddos are now off school for the rest of the week so I won't be checking in much, but I want to take this moment to wish you and yours a beautiful Thanksgiving full of much love and many blessings.
My goodness Kelly your boys are just so darn precious! Takes me right back to that stage of hugs, kisses and snuggles. I sure do miss it! But I am thankful to have two happy healthy and loving teenage boys.
Holy cuteness! He is one smart little boy! I am so thankful for my son and we have another baby on the way. I am also thankful for my family, our home and that my husband still has a job. I really try to not take these things for granted in this economy.
So cute! My three-year old told me today that she wants to say "thanks for Mommy and Daddy" on Thanksgiving "when we eat that really really big chicken." I keep telling her it's a turkey but she calls it a chicken. I was pleased that she was thankful for me!
well, i for one, am sorry curious george gets left off of so many "i'm thankful" lists! Good for him! :)
What a cutie he is!!! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
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